Dorm 23

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Klaus's POV:

After getting the other boxes out of Jacqueline's car, we started towards Prufrock's main building.

I was still amazed by how much it had changed in the past year and a half or so. We walked up to a brass gate, opened it, and stepped onto a cobblestone walkway leading up to a set of large French double doors. I looked around the grassy lawn. There were a few kids scattered around talking to one another, sitting under trees and on benches. They all had on the same maroon uniform we had worn when we went here so I figured that hadn't changed. It was around five o'clock last time I checked so classes must have been dismissed for the day.

Jacqueline opened the left of the two double doors and we stepped into the school and my jaw dropped. I stared in amazement at the room we had just entered. It was clear that it was just the front foyer but it had changed so much. It had marble floors and high ceilings. There were benches in front of me that matched the ones outside. To my right was a window that separated the foyer from an office with a little semi-circle at the bottom of the glass where you can pass things back and forth, and a circle at about eye level so you can talk to the person on the other side. Next to the window was a door that said "Front Office" so I figured that the room on the other side of the glass was the front office.

"Set those boxes over there for now so we can talk to the woman in the office, " Jacqueline said.

We went and set the boxes against a wall and then walked over to the glass window.

"Good evening!" said an older woman with greying hair, "How can't help you three?"

"My name is Jacqueline Scieszka, we spoke on the phone, "

"Ah, yes, Ms. Scieszka,"

"This is Violet and Klaus Baudelaire, I had them enrolled here, and I was hoping to get them settled in, " Jacqueline said.

"Alright, " the lady said as she typed on a computer off to the side.

After a couple of seconds, the lady handed my sister and me a key and two pieces of paper.

"This key goes to dorm 23 on the second floor of the third building. That's where you will be staying. Those papers are your schedules. Classes are Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30. Each period is fifty-five minutes with a five-minute transition between classes. Everyone has six classes and you get a free period and a lunch period. Everyone takes Math, English, Science, History, and two elective classes. Since you two are joining us in the middle of the school year, you, unfortunately, won't get to pick your elective class. But, don't worry, since there are only a few months left before summer break, you won't have to stay in those classes for very long. Any questions?"

"Yes, do we stay here over the summer break?" my sister asked.

"Oh, no. You'll go home with your parents or guardians for summer and holidays." the lady answered.

I wasn't sure what that meant for us.

"So, if that's the only question you had, I'll let you two head on up to your room and get settled in. You'll start your classes tomorrow,"

"I think that's it, " Jacqueline said, looking at us.

"Well if you need anything, you can always come to me. My name is Mrs. Linda Buffay, but you can just call me Mrs. Linda, and I'll be here Monday through Saturday from eight to six, "

"Thank you, Mrs. Linda, " I said.

"You're welcome, and we'll have your uniforms sent to your room shortly, "

With that, we grabbed our boxes and made our way out, back the way we came.

"Room 23. The second floor, third building. Easy enough to remember, " Violet smiled.

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