Chapter 33

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Lexi's POV

The car ride back to my place was void of any sound, except the occasional turn signal. As we approached my house, I nearly jumped out the car before she had time to put it in park.

"Lexi wait!" Liv called before I tried to shut the door, "I didn't mean to yell or push you. I'm just really worried..."

I could hear the sobs she held back and pursed my lips, "I'll be fine, Liv. Aren't I always? I'll start sharing my location with you if that helps. Ok?"

I didn't give her time to answer as I forced a tight smile and shut the door, hurrying into my house. Once again I was left in a state of emotional turmoil and breathlessness. I sat down on the couch, clutching the fabric of my shirt as I tried to hear past the current ringing in my ears. I had to almost crawl my way to my couch just to get off of the floor. I laid down, looking at the ceiling, as my vision blurred and my throat began to burn from my harsh breathing. I don't know how long I laid there, but suddenly there were heavy knocks on my door.

With every ounce of energy I could muster, my body trudged to the door, looking through the peep hole, "The fuck...?" I mumbled. "What the hell do you want?" I yelled through the door.

Again, heavy knocks came down on the door as I ran my hand over my face. I threw the door open, "I don't have time for-"

I was cut short as Asher slipped from leaning on the door and nearly stumbled to the floor. I caught part of his shirt, luckily preventing him from face planting.

"Bout time..." Asher slurred as he stood in the door way.

"Asher I'm not in the mood. Get the fuck out." I pointed to the open door for emphasis.

He turned around, taking a few extra steps than necessary to get steady, "Aw but Lexi! You said if I needed someone you're there. That's what you do right? Swoop in and save all the damsels in distress?"

With a frustrated groan I crossed my arms, "Skating past the fact you called yourself a damsel in distress, you're clearly drunk and need to leave before..." Before I call Jordan. That's what I wanted to say but he never returned my calls.

"Before what?" Asher stepped closer, reaching for my waist and I side stepped him.

He tripped a step and turned to me again, laughing a bit, "Stop being like that. Let me 'cry on your shoulder' or something like that..."

He made another attempt, this time I shoved him back out the door, glaring daggers at him, "What do you think you're doing?"

Asher rolled his eyes as he rubbed his face a bit, probably seeing double not doubt, before slurring, "Oh come on Lexi. I know you and Jordan aren't really a thing. Just give it up already!"

"There's nothing to give up! I'm happily in a relationship. And I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but now you're showing your true colors."

This caused him to scoff and roll his eyes, "Don't act all high and mighty. Your happiness has been a joke all semester. Half the team has basically been laughing at you since the start of school."

With obvious hesitation, I scrunched my face, "W-what do you-"

"It all started with a bet. Remember?" Asher smirked smugly at me. "Or a dare rather."

My still anxious mind was having a hard time putting together his meaning, "Asher what the fuck-"

"Remember the dare chip?" I nodded slowly, "Before all of that even happened, your 'Beverly bestie'? He was playing you for a fucking bet. And has been because, probably because we haven't paid him yet."

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now