Chapter 14

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"Now Lexi... I dare you to..." Layla took a sickeningly long pause, making me even more nervous than before.

"Take a picture in nothing but your bra and underwear,"

What the hell?

"And send it to Jordan Baker."

I'm gonna be sick.

"You have to include your face in it."

The room erupted into a collection of 'oohs' 'oh shits!' And cat calls. Layla and I held direct eye contact as I felt my face heat up, and yet I felt like the color was draining from my face. I looked to JJ who put his hands up.

"I didn't plan this I swear." He pleaded his case and I believed him.

"You don't have a choice Lexi." Layla leaned back into her seat, "And I want to see the message proof."

I ran a hand over my face and stood from the table. I grabbed my phone and as I left the room, everyone continued with the comments they were making before. I found the nearest empty room and shut and locked the door. Pacing back and forth, I bit my thumbnail gently as I tried to see straight. I stopped pacing and sat on the bed in the room to stabilize myself. I was definitely tipsy from the alcohol. I stood from the bed and sighed deeply as I stripped down to my dark blue bralette and matching lace underwear. I bit my lip as I opened the camera and hesitated for a few minutes.

After about 5 minutes of nervous contemplation I was putting my clothes back on and gripped my phone tightly in my hand. I stood before the door and looked down, pushing send as I leaned my head against the door. I unlocked and walked out of the room, pushing gently past the people to find Layla in the poker room still. I walked up to her and placed my phone screen in front of her. She looked it over and scrolled up to make sure it was actually a message and not a fake screenshot.

"Alright. I'm satisfied." Layla smirked.

I locked my phone and rushed to a different part of the house, leaning against the kitchen counter as I poured myself a half a cup of some spiked punch that was left. I drank a bit of the punch and JJ came into the kitchen, hopping onto the counter.

He laughed as he saw me take another drink, "Aw come on Lil Lexi. Cheer up. Jordan's seen you in a swimsuit so what's the difference?" He tried to cheer me up and I just chuckled softly.

"JJ... for once I don't even care. For once... I'm just gonna drink it away." I let out a soft sigh and downed the rest of my drink, letting the warm and tingling sensation run through my body.

JJ laughed and hopped off the counter, "That's what I'm talking about!"

He disappeared, back to the poker room I'm assuming, and I slowly drank yet another cup of alcohol. I looked at my phone and to my surprise, Jordan hadn't responded to my message. Maybe he hadn't seen it? After a while I heard a bunch of people moving around so I followed the sound to the garage where JJ was about to take a drive in the Porsche with Asher. After they left everyone walked back into the house. My feet led me towards the kitchen, passing through the living room just as the door opened and Jordan walked in. I turned to look at him, coming to a wobbly stop as he stopped in the doorway staring at me.

"Jordan?" I hadn't meant for it to sound like a question, however I wasn't sure with the alcohol taking it's toll.

He took a couple steps forward, "L-Lexi... Have you seen Liv?"

His eyes met mine only for a moment before he turned his eyes away, looking around the room, "Um... I don't know. Sorry."

I turned my head and quickly went back into the kitchen to hide myself in shame. I wasn't going to rat out Liv and Spencer like that. I couldn't get Jordan's face out of my mind. The way he looked at me when he first walked in... it was like I was something... someone else. I didn't like it at all. I untied my flannel from around my waist and put it on, buttoning it up completely and crossing my arms as I heard voices rushing through the lobby.

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now