Chapter 19

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(Mentions of death, anxiety and depressing thoughts.)

S1 E8
Jordan's POV

I opened the door and Asher's dad rushed out, telling me my dad was an ass. Yeah tell me about it. I tried not to laugh as I shoved chip after chip into my mouth. I didn't realize munchies could be so strong. Liv pulled me to the side right as I came through the door and tried to chew me out. She tried to shove me upstairs quickly but my dad caught us and I stopped, turning to look at him as I ate another chip.

"Uh uh. Where are y'all going?" We meekly greeted him, "Hey. Why are you still in your suit?" My dad looked down at my bare feet, "And where are you shoes?!" He met my gaze sternly, "Do not tell me you are just now getting in from last night."

"You know what? I had a great night. I finally let loose." I finally spoke up for myself.

"You let loose?" My dad asked between my words.

"I would stop now." Liv warned.

"No. No no no. I'm not gonna stop. I'm always doing what's right. Always trying to please you." I stepped closer to my dad.

"Please me?" He asked in shock.

"Yeah you. And for once I did what I wanted."

"What with that little Malibu cheerleader?" My dad asked with furrowed brows.

I rolled my eyes, "Her name's Ripley dad."

He took a step forward, closing some space between us, "Do you think she even cares that you're gonna be distracted at today's game? Do you think she cares that you come in here bare foot and doe eyed," he looks at his watch, "A few hours before kickoff?"

I sighed in annoyance, "She's a high school girl. She's not a secret agent."

He was getting angrier by the second but I wasn't trying to let up, "I don't give a-" He cut himself off to stop what he was about to say, "Let me tell you this. You are team captain. You're supposed to be leading this team. Showing responsibility. If you don't want that then please let me know! But you gotta figure out what's right for you Jordan. Not me. Not these girls. To you. Please figure it out. And I'd start with your supposed to be best friend upstairs that you both left humiliated at the dance last night. And was left to cry alone outside before your mother and I showed up." He turned and walked away in an angry huff.

I frowned and turned to Liv, "What's he talking about?"

She rolled her eyes and walked me upstairs, pulling out her phone, "Watch."

She shoved her phone into my hands and I pressed play on the video. My hand went to my mouth in disbelief as I listened to Asher drunkenly rant on stage.

"And lets not forget our QB1 Jordan Baker everybody. Stringing along every girl he can. No Spencer and I aren't the only players on this team. Jordan played his bestie. Right Lexi?! Sucks to be solo when he's off with some rival cheerleader huh?"

I had no words as I handed Liv her phone back. Did I really? Did Lexi feel that way? Is that why she was so upset last night?! Oh man I really screwed this one up. I walked down the hall and stood outside the guest bedroom I knew Lexi was in. I went to knock but stopped myself. This was a bad idea. I was still looking like a walk of shame with no shoes. I couldn't talk to her. Not now. Not like this. Not with so many questions left unanswered. I hung my head in shame and went back to my room to shower and get ready for the day.

Lexi's POV

I was awake and packing my things into my bag. I was gonna try to leave as early as possible before anyone could see me, but crying did wonders for getting lots of sleep. Just as I reached for the doorknob, I heard the distinct sound of Asher's recorded voice playing through a video. As much as I tried to forget that, it seems it just followed me. I heard the sound of footsteps growing closer and I stayed still and silent in front of the door. Looking down I saw the shadow of a pair of feet standing at the door and, no matter how badly I wanted to open the door, I forced myself not to. The shadow left and I heard a door slam shut. I took this chance and rushed out the door as quietly as I could and downstairs. Coach Baker was angrily flipping through some paperwork as I let him know that I was leaving and I'd see him at the game. I took the bus ride home and hopped off at the convenience store. I walked in and got a Gatorade and left, walking towards my house. I didn't take the usual bus so I was a bit further away, but I was due to pass by Shawn's house soon.

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now