Chapter 18

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As I stood next to Spencer on the outskirts of the dance floor, I watched as everyone else we came with migrated to the dance floor.

"I'm gonna get a drink." I pat Spencer and Coop on their shoulders and walked away to get a cup of drink and go to stand at an empty table.

I listened and nodded my head to the beat of the music as I sighed and slowly drank my drink. After making a few rounds around the gym and an hour or so later, Coop came to the table, leaning on it.

"Alright miss storm cloud. I'm tired of watching you mope around too. Now just like I told Spencer. You don't ever give up. Ever. On anything. It's pretty damn annoying. So go get your man." Coop looked behind her where Jordan stood with Ripley and I followed her gaze, "It's a dance. Ain't nothing wrong with just dancing with him."

I sighed and shook my head, "He's got a date for that."

I looked down at my cup as Coop spoke, "Well it don't look like his date wanna do much of that. Considering he's coming this way."

I raised my head to look at Coop confused as she walked away just for Jordan to replace her and stand before me, "Care to dance?"

He offered me his hand and I hesitated, "Wouldn't Rachel be mad?"

He laughed softly, "Ripley. See thats the kind of joke I haven't heard from you in a while."

I lifted my cup to my lips, "Probably because you haven't had a new piece of arm candy in a while." The words left my mouth before I thought about it and took a sip of my drink.

Jordan's smile faltered as I finally looked back at him, my expression a bit bored, "Come on. Just one dance. Please?"

He looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist any longer. I took his hand gently in mine and we walked out to the dance floor. We began swaying and dancing to the fast tempo song until it switched to something a bit slower not even a couple of minutes later. I was about to step away and suggest his date join him but Jordan still had a hold of my hand. He tugged my hand gently to grab my attention and I migrated closer. He released my hand to place both of his on my waist while both my hands went to wrap around his neck. It felt so natural. So right. One of his hands drifted up to just below my shoulder blades while the other rest on the small of my back. But I was reminded that he wasn't here with me when every few steps or so he'd glance behind me. Halfway into the song and he was still doing it!

I sighed and let go, "Just go."

Jordan looked down at me confused, "Huh? What're you talking about? I thought we were-"

I interrupted him, "Just go to your date Jordan. We aren't doing anything anymore."

"Lexi what're your saying? We were having a good time." Jordan tried to reason with me.

I shook my head, turning to look over my shoulder at a bored Ripley as the slow song was nearing its end, "Jordan you chose to come here with her. Not me. You should be dancing with her. Not me. You chose her. Not me."

He stepped forward and I stepped back, "But I wanna dance with you."

His tone was a bit sad and his voice was soft and sincere, "Then you should've thought about that before sucking her face in the school parking lot. I'm not dancing with you anymore Jordan. I'm tired of dancing." I made eye contact with him again, "I'm through playing these games. I don't want your pity dance so just... I'm just gonna go."

I walked past him and excused myself through the small crowd of people to reach the exit. I reached my hand and grabbed the small necklace around my neck as I walked down the halls. I rounded a corner just as Coop was leaving and Layla and Spencer were heading to the gym again.

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now