Chapter 5

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Practice had just let out and I decided to take a quick shower like some of the other girls on the team. I switched back into my earlier outfit, slipped my practice bag into my locker, and started for the door. I heard the distinct sound of giggling as I opened the door. A few feet down the hall, Jordan was leaning against the wall acting all cool while Ashley and Poppy, two juniors on the team, were twirling their hair and chatting it up with him. The door closed behind me and Jordan looked up with a smile. He pushed up off of the wall and spoke to the girls one last time.

"It was great meeting you two. Maybe I'll see you tonight. But I have to get going." He walked away from them and strode over to me, shoving one hand in his pocket and adjusting his bag with the other, "Ready to go?"

I nodded my head slightly and then shook my head, unable to hold back the slight laughter.

"What? What's so funny?" Jordan pushed me to the side a bit as we began walking towards the parking lot.

I let out a soft sigh, "Jordan Baker. QB1 who can't take no for an answer... still can't say no to Beverly Hills girls." I spoke in a slight narrator's voice.

Jordan scoffed a bit and rolled his eyes, "I'm just keeping my options open you know? Since I'm pretty sure me and Hadley won't be working out too long." He didn't sound the least bit upset, (not) surprisingly.

I let out a soft gasp, "Oh no not Hadley! And I was really starting to like this one too." I gave a fake pout that didn't last long as I began laughing at my mock despair.

Jordan laughed heartily with me and put his arm on what he assumes is its rightful place; around my shoulders. We walked casually like this until I saw his car from a distance. Sitting in the passenger seat was Spencer, who gave a slight wave once he noticed us. I frowned slightly and looked up at Jordan who was looking down towards the ground, guiltily.

"You can't be serious?" The words were mumbled from my lips before I could stop them.

Jordan sighed heavily and rubbed my shoulder with his hand gently, "I know it's awkward. Imagine how I feel? But he's going with Liv tonight and I figured third wheeling wasn't my thing."

I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit, "So I'm just a stand in so you don't look too thirsty tonight?"

"You make me sound like a horrible person when you put it like that." He scoffed and I pulled his arm from my shoulder as I laughed softly, "I'm just glad you're finally going out with me tonight."

"Nice to know you're so excited to go out with me Baker." I sent him a playful wink and he groaned softly.

"Don't let it get to your head Rosen. You know what I meant, and I didn't mean it like that." Jordan tried to defend himself but he couldn't stop smiling. 'I didn't mean it like that' was practically our catch phrase as much as we said it to one another.

"Sure you didn't." I held back my laughs and my smile faltered as I climbed into the back of Jordan's car.

Jordan got in the driver seat and started the car. The music came from the speakers just loud enough to hear but not too loud in case anyone spoke. And Spencer was the first to speak up.

"I see you're still playing volleyball."

I pursed my lips together gently as I stared outside the car, "Yeah."

Spencer paused as he tried to find more words, "Making any friends on the team? I know you used to hate trying to make friends with the Crenshaw girls."

I shrugged my shoulders slightly, "I guess so."

Spencer clicked his tongue softly and sighed, "I said I was sorry! I really am sorry AJ! It's just been-"

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now