Chapter 36

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(A/N: Hello and welcome back and thanks for being patient ;-; I am back with this last chapter and would like to thank everyone tremendously who has been supporting this book (that I ended up prolonging against my better judgement). This chapter was originally gonna be 2 parts, but the second chapter was pretty much a quarter to half the size of my usual chapter length, so I merged them together! So the beginning of this chapter might suck, but that's simply because this is the Championship game and only like 3 exciting things happen during the actual game. So I apologize in advance. But once again thank you everyone for sticking with me and let me know how you all are feeling about me making a season 2 out of this :D )

As Layla and Lexi arrived and made their way to the bleachers, the screeching of the bus was heard soon after. The stands were filled to the brim with fans for both teams; one side covered in green and yellow for Crenshaw while the other half painted blue and white for Beverly. You could feel the tension in the air with every second that ticked by until the stadium lights blared across the field and the announcer's microphone screeched to life. Cheers erupted immediately and the players were called onto the field. As Spencer ran onto the field after hearing his name called, there was a tremendous change in the volume of the cheering. Both sides of the stands were on their feet, cheering for the famous Spencer James. Even Lexi with her injured wrist was clapping as best she could.

Play after play, fans cheered and booed at the touchdowns made. Crenshaw was taking the lead and things were becoming more heated on the field, as Spencer and Chris bumped heads over sketchy plays on the field. Spencer was attempting to be the bigger person, but of course Chris can't let anything go. It was evident to their friends and family that it was a petty squabble getting in the midst. What nobody could've predicted was what came next.

As the next play began, Chris was swiftly making his way down the field. Passing each new yard line with ease, and shoving defenders out of his way, Chris nearly completed another touchdown. That is, if he had seen Spencer coming at him from the corner of the outfield. (Please don't hate me for incorrect sport phrasing :( ) Spencer took off like a bullet train, nobody saw him. Spencer tackled Chris to the ground, soon followed by loud cheering from the Eagles's fans. However, the cheering faded just as quickly as it started as Chris laid on the field, unmoving.

"Chris?" Spencer asked as he finally turned back to his childhood friend.

"Chris?!" Lexi shouted from her spot in the bleachers, though it sounded as if it came over the loudspeaker due to the deafening silence of the crowd.

"I-I can't feel my legs..!" Chris mumbled out in a fit of panic.

He was trying everything in his power to move the lower half of his body but still nothing. Spencer dropped to the ground, attempting to reassure Chris that he would be alright. An ambulance could be heard pulling up in the distance. Paramedics rushed to the field and put Chris on a stretcher. Layla wrapped Lexi in a half hug as tears threatened to spill out of both girls' eyes. Chris gave a hopeful thumbs up as he was wheeled off of the field and the entire stadium clapped in unison as they hoped he would be ok.

Lexi gently removed Layla's arm from her shoulder and made her way out of the stands. She had noticed Spencer stalking off to the locker room and decided to help him the only way she knew how. It seemed like someone else beat her to it though.

She leaned quietly against the lockers as the voice of Spencer's father echoed through the locker room. She peaked her head around the corner just as their father/son hug ended, and Spencer caught sight of her.

"Aye can you give me a minute?" Spencer asked as he nodded his head in Lexi's direction.

Corey turned his head slightly and nodded before exiting the locker room. Lexi slowly walked toward Spencer, as he attempted to wipe the unshed tears from his eyes.

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