Chapter 29

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The night wound down and Liv rode with her parents back home so Jordan could take me back to Crenshaw after eating. He arrived at my house and we sat in his car in silence for a bit considering Jordan didn't unlock the doors, or seem to want to. I stared out the window at the dark house, hesitating on even getting out. I didn't want to be alone right now. But I didn't feel it was my place to ask him to stay. I was just a little... afraid to be left alone with my thoughts.

"Hey." Jordan's hand laid on top of mine as I turned to him.

His eyes read concern and the way his eyebrows furrowed just a bit showed he was thinking about something, "Y-yeah?"

Jordan sighed, brushing some hair behind my ear, "I don't like that you lied to me."

I furrowed my brows, "Jordan I didn't-"

He cut me off and shook his head slightly, "In all these months that I've known you, you've barely lied to me. Because you're really bad at lying to me, which is why you always cave and tell me the truth anyways."

Curse him for knowing me so well, "Jordan I don't really wanna talk about it..." I turned my gaze away, biting on my lower lip softly.

Jordan gently turned my chin so I was looking at him, "I don't want you just pushing it away. You do that with everything and it's not healthy. Lexi just tell me."

"I..." I looked into his moonlit eyes, knowing he was right and that lying to him was harder than anything else, "I talked to my dad today..."

The words came out meekly and Jordan's expression switched to a combination of anger and sadness, "What did he say?"

I pulled my chin away from his grasp to look at the moon through the windshield, "It's his birthday. I thought I'd surprise him. But I just received some... shocking news instead."

I couldn't make more words come out of me as I twiddled my fingers together. Remembering this morning's events, I could feel the air escaping my lungs just as it felt then. Like someone was sucking away my oxygen. Stepping on my lungs. Like the room was spinning and I didn't know how to make it stop. My breathing felt shallow and I closed my eyes to focus myself.

"Hey hey hey." Jordan whispered softly and leaned over the seat, pulling me into his arms gently, "Shh it's fine. I'm sorry. I'm sure whatever your dad said wasn't as bad as it seems." It took feeling Jordan's arms squeezing me to realize I was shaking.

"I don't have a father."

In my anxiety ridden state, those were the only words I could muster, "What do you mean?"

I finally had the strength to look him in the eye, my hazel orbs tired, and laughed dryly, "He told me as long as I am bi, then he has no daughter."

The tears didn't come like I expected. This time the words brought an unexpected amount of rage with them. I wanted to hit something or throw something. I just wanted to let it out. But that's not like me. It's too out of character.

"Do you need me to stay with you tonight?"

I quickly shook my head, "No no. I don't want you getting in trouble. It's a school night."

Jordan shook his head, squeezing my hand reassuringly, "You're more important. I want to make sure you're alright."

"I'll be fine. Honestly. It's getting late and you should go. Can you just.. call me when you're laying down?" I leaned away from his embrace slightly to meet his gaze better.

He smiled and nodded, "Of course."

I took the initiative and leaned forward, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. One hand held the edge of his suit jacket, pulling him closer while my other hand rest between us to keep me steady. Jordan placed one hand on my hip and the other behind my neck as we made out lustfully in his car. His teeth grazed my bottom lip as he bit it gently, asking permission to keep escalating the situation. I smirked slightly and denied him, which Jordan didn't appreciate. His hand on my neck trailed gingerly up to my hair, the gentle feeling causing shivers down my spine, and pulling my hair just hard enough to cause a moan. Jordan used the moment of weakness to his advantage and allowed his tongue passage. My hand released his jacket and began feeling along his button up shirt, undoing just a few of the buttons and feeling the bare, muscular skin underneath. I gently dragged my nails along the flesh, scratching along his abs, and his grip on my hip tightened as I heard an inappropriate sound escape from Jordan.

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now