Chapter 1

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Black headphones were inserted in my ears and a burgundy backpack was slung over my shoulder as I stepped to the beat of the music. Another day in my life as Alexis Jade Rosen, or Lexi, at Beverly High. Students were scurrying around and doing various activities across the courtyard. I walked to my locker and opened it up, removing my bag to place in my morning classes' textbooks and grab a one-inch binder I kept notes in. Just as I shut my locker I was met by a smiling face and a big pair of brown eyes.


I smiled softly in return and adjusted my backpack over one of my shoulders, removing my headphones and laying them around my neck, "Morning Olivia."

The dark-haired girl before me rolled her eyes with a playful shove to my arm, "How many times I gotta tell you, Lexi? Just Liv is fine."

"Probably until you hear me say it out of habit." We shared a laugh and headed off towards our first period.

Olivia links her arm with mine as we avoid some slight stares going down the hall. "It wasn't exactly easy being the rehab girl's friend", as Olivia put it, but she was the most genuine person I had in my life at Beverly.

"So I heard we're getting another new student. Some guy who's supposed to help our football team." Olivia said trying, quite obviously hard, to make conversation about the new student.

I just let out a chuckle and shook my head a bit, "Then I won't be the new kid anymore. Finally! You'd think after a month people would stop gawking at me like a science project."

Olivia squeezed my arm in her's as we laughed some more, "Oh please. They gawk at you for reasons other than you being new. Trust me."

"What's up, ladies?" A smooth voice appeared behind us and an arm was draped around my shoulder on my free side.

"Speak of the devil..." Olivia muttered as we stifled back laughs.

"Hey what's so funny? I wanna know." Beverly High's very own QB1, Jordan Baker, looked between me and his sister as we shared a joke he wanted in on so badly.

Liv disconnected our arms as she peeled off, "I gotta get to my class, Lexi. See you at lunch!" She called before turning down a hall.

Jordan still stood tall above me with his arm slinked over my shoulder, "So I don't get to know the joke?" He asked in mock offense.

"You're the joke Jordan." I poked his chest playfully and he flinched to the side just a bit.

Jordan was about to speak but was interrupted by some of the other football players passing by and greeting. They did their handshakes and things all while in constant motion down the hallway. He finally turned his attention back to me, still slightly weighted under his muscular arm.

"How am I the joke? For wanting to see how my best friend and sister are doing?" Jordan spoke in a mocking tone and chuckled as a slight smirk passed across his lips.

"You're asking quite a few questions this morning Mr. QB. Save those for the new guy I'm hearing about." I was trying to make light conversation but I could feel Jordan's arm tense up. "What? Not feeling the new guy?"

Jordan glanced away for a moment and I could see the strain and tension in his chiseled features as he clenched his jaw, "I don't think we need a new guy. But my dad insists. He's talking the guy up like he's some prodigy or something."

I came to a halt just down the hall from my class and removed his arm from my shoulder, "Come on Jordan. You and I both know that worrying is pointless. You are the number one player on this team and no one is gonna take that from you. And you better not let them try either." I scolded with a bit of a scowl, though it didn't hold as I couldn't help grinning at my best friend.

It Started With A Bet *Jordan Baker love story*Where stories live. Discover now