11. Envelope

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Kathy's heart is thumping fiercely.

"Don't let him see your fear," she whispers quietly. Steading her breath, she produces some resemblance of composure.

Her arms are hanging high above her head from a chain that is attached to a small hook in the ceiling.

Her back aches from the stiff position she is forced to sit in, while her ankles are bound together with rope.

Kathy can already feel a bruise beginning to form on the left side of her face.

She knows that she has been careless about opening the window and has gotten herself in this situation.

But she will be damned if she let this man see how scared she truly is. So she buries her feelings, letting the anger and hatred consume her.

The man, who just entered the room through the window is trying to force emotions from her but there is no way she will let him see anything other than her stoicism.

"I'll ask you again... Where is the envolope?"

Kathy looks at the thug who has spoken to her.

He is ugly with a scar from his right ear reaching his mouth. His hair is black and greasy as though he hasn't showered in days.

Kathy notices that his teeth are crooked and yellow, his breath unappealing and his black eyes unwavering.

It is the second time this big brute has asked her the same question. The first time she failed to answer was the reason her cheek and jaw are throbbing.

Kathy smiles kindly and replies in a polite tone, "As I have said before, I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Her response causes her to receive a hard punch to the gut, and she croaks from the pain.

"Bastard!" Kathy spits venomously.

As she looks up to glare at the brute, she notices steel being placed against her throat.

It languidly teases her skin as the man caresses the blade up and down. She stills her movements to prevent it from cutting her.

The thug notices her reaction and smiles widely, showing all of his jagged teeth.

"My oh my," he whispers dangerously, "It seems I have your attention now!"

Kathy is absolutely furious. "Be patient, wait for Jimin, he'll be here any minute. He'll save me." She starts chanting to herself.

Kathy silently pulls on the chain that are bounding her. A slight give in the cable forces her to look upwards.

She squints her eyes realizing that the hook she is attached to is just one pull away from falling out of the ceiling.

A small grin marks her face as she realizes her opportunity is now.

Using her bound feet, Kathy kicks the man's hand causing the knife from his hand end up onto the other side of the room. The blade makes a loud clanging noise as it hits the wall.

With her assailant distracted, Kathy makes one last effort and yanks on the chain as hard as she can.

The hook gives up, and the chain tumbles down. Quickly, she rises onto her knees and wraps the fallen chain around the neck of the man.

Without even thinking, the brute grabs Kathy by the arm and throws her over his head. The chain releases from his neck, sliding towards Kathy, still bound to her wrists.

Kathy gets back to her feet with slight pain from being thrown and immediately notices her disadvantage. Her feet are bound, causing her to stumble and her arms are still tied together.

She looks upon the angry man that is stalking towards her. He is tall and built like at boulder. Kathy needs to free her legs immediately inorder to make a run.

When the brute is one arm's length away from her, she jerks her bound wrists sharply to her side, causing the chain to fly through the air and come down on the thug's face like a whip.

As the bigger man doubles over, covering his wound and screaming obscenities, Kathy dives towards the wall where the knife rested.

As soon as her hand reaches the knife, she is already using it to cut the rope binding her feet.
When her legs are set free, Kathy stands tall and looks up at the angry face charging towards her.

She silently praises herself for injuring the man. The chain has marred his face, causing a wound from the left of his forehead, crossing over the bridge of his nose, ending off the right side of his cheek.

"Wonderful!" She whispers quietly. She is happy that she could give him another scar befitting his ugly face.

Quickly, Kathy dodges the bull-like man that is storming towards her. She is a lot faster than he is. Unfortunately, the chain she is using as a weapon becomes her downfall.

The brute grabs the chain and yanks Kathy back towards him. Immediately he climbs on top of her, one hand holding her wrists down and the other giving her hard punches to the stomach and gut. Sharp pain searing in her side, Kathy is suddenly very aware that her ribs are broken.

Fearing for her life, Kathy uses her knee to defend herself, kicking the man right at his crotch. She watches as his eyes widen to almost twice the size and his mouth opens in silent pain. He rolls off of her, clutching his aching balls.

Kathy happily smiles as she knows how solidly and hard she has connected. Without another moment to consider her actions, she picks the knife and starts stabbing the man.

She watches horrified as the life of this man leaves his body. No sooner does the realization hit her. Tears gathering in her eyes have now started falling without restraint.

She has killed a man.

Kathy feels absolutely disgusted with herself as she keeps on gagging from the new knowledge.

She needs to get out of here and quickly; she can't stand to look at face of the first man she has killed. Yes, she wanted to incapacitate him, but she never wanted to murder the brute in cold blood.

Not knowing what had come over her, Kathy dreads the fact that a small part of her... enjoyed doing it.

With silent cries, she fishes the key to her cuffs from her victim's pants. She merely set free one of her wrists, leaving the handcuffs of chain to dangle off her right wrist.

She is too repulsed with herself to care. Wanting nothing more than to get out of here, Kathy makes a run towards the door as her cuffed hand is clutching her bruised and broken ribs, while her free hand covers her mouth to prevent her from eliminating the contents of her stomach right then and there.

She has barely reached the door, when it flows open.

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