4. Crash

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As the car engine sings to the lone road, Yoongi relishes the roaring winds that twirl in his hair and whistle in his ears. The road is as straight as dried spaghetti. It might take seconds for an eye to travel it's length across the prairie until it melts into the light blue horizon in the far distance. SeokJin drives through the quiet road, enjoying the calmness of the place. "It was easy wasn't it?" He questions Yoongi, aiming to start a conversation. Yoongi looks at him, cracks a smile and answers, "Putting aside all the risks we took in this single week, it surely was easy," his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Shaking his head, Yoongi goes back to sight seeing through the window. Soon enough, his gaze falls upon the wing mirror. Two black cars at constant average speed are following them. He taps on Jin's arm to alert him. Taking the cue, Jin glances at the rear view mirror and speeds up his vehicle.

Expeditiously, the scene turns into a race, and the road, a race track. Both the black cars are on each side of SeokJin's, trapping his vehicle. On the left, the vehicle is crowded with four of Taehyung's goons. On the right, Jimin is driving while Teahyung sits carelessly on the passenger seat. Jin and Yoongi are confined in between. They have two choices, stop the car and get killed, or keep on driving and still die, because Taehyung is merciless!

Jimin sideswipes Jin, the sides of their cars touch quickly, resulting into various blindside collisions. Jimin continues to hit the sides, restricting Jin's motion. Yoongi hastily opens the gloove compartment on dashboard near his foot, removing the piccolo from the drawer, he tightly clutches it in his hand. Both are sweating, breathing heavily, clothes drenching, nerve wrecking.

A loud sound of gunfire echos through the scene, following another two. The bullets from the left vehicle, directly hit the tire of the trapped one. Jin instantly reduces the speed, eventually switching off the engine as reflex action to avoid skidding. As his car comes to halt, SeokJin's body jerks to the dashboard, his forehead colliding with the window. Steam rising from the back of car, the smell too intense for words. He tries to take off his seat belt to help the person on passenger seat, who is in much more pain than him. He doesn't succeed. The windows are smashed, his favorite car is being more damaged than ever.

Next moment, Yoongi and Jin are surrounded by four men aiming gun at their car.
Jin doesn't dare to move, while Yoongi has no strength to move.

Smoothly, Taehyung steps out of his car, with a cricket bat. There is so much intensity on his face, yet he appears calm and nonchalant. Walking towards his opponent's vehicle, he is humming a song melody. He places a foot on the broken bumper, and climbs on top of the bonnet. He smiles serenely and slams the bat on the windshield of Jin's car. Trying to protect himself and avoid any kind of damage to his face, SeokJin turns his head to the side. Whereas Yoongi just closes his eyes, his body too weak to move.

Laughing, Taehyung crouches down to directly look at those inside the car. He looks at Yoongi, tutting at the sight of him. Shifting his attention back to Jin, Taehyung says in mocking tone, "Damn, that's too much damage for a harmless car crash." Taehyung moves his hand through the broken glass, and touches Jin's cheeks. Jin wrinkles his face, sinking his body more into his seat, he tries to stay away from Taehyung's hand.

Immediately, Taehyung changes the direction of his desire. Swiftly, he snatches away the piccolo from Yoongi's grip. "Two suspended police officers have nothing to do with this instrument. You guys don't know shit about music. So, I guess I'm gonna take this," he announces, examining the instrument carefully. Taehyung gives Jin one last sinister smile, before standing straight on the bonnet.

He climbs further up on the roof, admiring the alluring and ravishing fields enveloping the road. Taehyung jumps like a lunatic on the car, spreading his arms wide, breathing in the smell of nature, like a rockstar during concerts. Beneath him Jin winces numerous times due to the dreadful pain, the constant digging of a glass piece on his wrist. Yoongi is half conscious to realize any thing about the event.

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