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Walking towards the four friends took me back to when we went to antalya. It was always me approaching the four of them and never the other way around. They never wanted me in their group, only Engin was ever kind to me and Piril and I grew to love each other. But this was all meaningless now. They chose their side and now it's time to chose mine. 

"Serkan Bay. Selin. I just wanted to come over and say congratulations. This is something that you have wanted since you were kids matter the cost."

Looking at Serkan and Selin standing right next to each other side by side I noticed the stiffness in Serkan. He was pulling at his collar, and his hands were by his side and not around Selin. Matter a fact it looked like Selin was pushing herself onto Serkan, and that's what was making him uncomfortable. 

"Thank you Eda. I'm glad to see that you have accepted the truth. After all- " 

"Selin stop." Peril said. "You know better then anyone what the truth is."

Hearing Peril trying to defend me, made me give a little smile. But if only she had said something two days ago.  Selin and Serkan's face to Peril's statement was almost comical, like they didn't know who she was. 

"Okay askim, I think it's time to let them talk." Engin said trying to pull Peril away. 

"No Engin, what Eda said is right. We didn't do anything, we have to tell him the tru-"


The four of them stop and look at me. 

"Thank you but it's no longer important." I say looking into Peril and Engin's eyes as they widen. 

Turning back to Serkan and Selin. I see that Serkan has a confused look on his face that seems to be a permanent fixture as of recent, and Selin's face that showed a mixture of fear and shock. Fear at what Peril could've have said and shock at me for stopping her. 

"Tonight is about the happy couple. Am I wrong Serkan bay? "

Serkan looked at me like I was the craziest thing he had ever seen, and he would be right. He has told me as such many times. 

"You are a happy couple right? Or did I get that wrong?" I asked him with my head tilted. 

Still unable to speak Selin answers for him. 

"Of course we are Eda. We are a couple in love, we are happy."

Serkan's face seems to grimace at the statement, but Selin was too busy looking at me to notice.

"Well then I hope have a wonderful marriage and that you are always happy." I replied with a smile on my face and turned and walked away from the four people in my life that  never wanted me in the first place. 

Walking back towards Deniz I see Aydan hamin and Safyi walk in. I turn to talk to Safyi the last thing I needed to handle tonight. Walking up to them, I ignore Aydan Hamin and turn to Sayfi.

"Safyi if possible would you be able to stop by my house? I need you to pick up Sirus and some other things."

"Eda my daughter , I know you are upset, but please try to understand from my perspective. I couldn't lose another son and-"

" Aydan hamin, I think that you are confused. Your daughter is standing over there by your precious son." Turning back to Safyi. Not wanting to see the face of a woman who lied to me for two months, knowing I was dying inside. " Would you mind, Safyi?" I ask again. 

"Umhmm ....." He looked back at Aydan hamin and when she nodded her head he responded. 

"Of course Eda, what time would you like me to come tomorrow?" Safyi replied. 

"If it's not a problem could you come tonight after the party?"

" Of course I will text you when I am on my way."

"Thank you." Turning around to go back to Deniz, I stopped and turned back around to look at Adyan hamin. Seeing the look on her face didn't make me any happier, like it did with Selin. At one point and time she would have be Adyan anne but life doesn't always work in our favor. 

Safyi bumps Aydan hamin on the shoulder when he sees me looking at her. Aydan raises her head to look at me, and all I could do was nod my head towards Selin and give her a smile. I turned around and walked away. 

Going up to Deniz who was talking to Ferit, while Ceren and Melo were talking to Leyla and Erdem. 

"Deniz I am ready whenever you are." Turning to Ferit." Also Ferit if possible can I talk to you tomorrow about somethings with the holding. There are some changes I want to make and I wanted to get your opinion."

"Of course Eda. But what changes?" Ferit asked me. 

"I tell you tomorrow, how about we meet at the coffee shop near my house? Say 9am tomorrow?"

"Yes of course, I'll see you there." 

"Great good night Ferit, tomorrow then."

With that I walk out away from everyone, from ArtLife, from my love, and finally from my heart. Moving forward I must only think of myself and how I will move on with my life. Like I told Serkan all those months ago,  I existed before him and I will exist after him. Before getting into the car door that Deniz had opened I looked back at the Artlife building and took a deep breathe in.

All these months spent here, all those fights, all those memories, all the heartbreaks, seem so small now. One last look around and I say out loud. 

"Goodbye Serkan Bloat it was a good game."

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