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I take a sip from my scotch while listening to Engin and Peril talk about the awards show tomorrow. I normally never drank but after what had just happened I needed a something to calm me down. 

"So you're the one who left Eddie on her wedding day." Marcus had just asked me. I feel my blood run cold and the anger starting to rise. I see Eda freeze and her eyes going wide. 

"I'm sorry?" I ask him making sure I didn't just hear him wrong. But from Eda's stiff posture I knew had heard it right. 

He turns to Eda who still hasn't said anything. 

"I think that Prince is better looking. Plus he has more mon- ahhhhhhhh ow ow ow okay okay let go let go." Marcus was yelling at Eda who was gripping his ear, but that was the least of what I wanted to do. 

Prince? He couldn't be talking about Seyman could he? How could he know about him? Did Eda tell him about our lives. 

"I'm sorry he just get s a little excited and rambles on and on." Eda says letting go of the man's ear. I look at the man with a glare in my eye, and I see him rubbing his ear. But that doesn't stop him from looking at me with a knowing smirk. Does everyone here know something that I don't? The knowing smirks and the glares from people that I had never met before what starting to piss me. Before I could comment on the smirk and the comment that had been made, everyone else had decided to arrive and the introductions were made all over again. And I had lost my chance to speak to the man that was close enough with Eda to hug her like a long lost lover.  

"Abi...Abi...Serkan..." I hear Engin calling me shaking me from my thoughts. I take another sip from my scotch cause I see that Marcus still hadn't left Eda's side. I look to Engin and Peril who seemed to be watching me with caution. 

"Yes?" I ask them. 

"Dinner's ready they asked us to sit down. Didn't you hear?" Peril asked me. I nod my head and head towards the table. But I realized there were name cards to show where everyone was going to sit. My seat seemed to be placed on the far end with the rest of ArtLife, and Eda seemed to be placed with her people from Italy. 

It seemed that I couldn't catch a break, I hated dinners with this many people. But it seemed the rest of the restaurant was closed. I take my seat when I notice that the name plate next to me was little Isabella's. I grin at that and wonder the little princess was, I look around but I don't see her or her father. 

"Belle still isn't up from her nap, so she won't be coming." I hear from behind me. I turn and see that it is Eda. I rub my neck not knowing what to say. Which seemed to always happen around her. 

"Ahh, I just wondering that." I say to her. I look down at her dress and can't help be amazed by how she always looked so beautiful. So I decided to tell her. "You look beautiful. As always." 

She gives a small smile. "Thank you." Someone call her name taking her attention away from me once again. I just needed to be with her alone if I wanted to talk to her it seemed. She turns her head and nods at whoever called her. She looks back at me and gives me another smile and walks back over to her new life it seems. I tip the rest of the whiskey into my mouth to calm me down. I see Eda go to the front of the table and stand next to the asshole who seemed to know everything about us. I stand up noticing that nobody else had sat down yet. I look back to Eda and  she begins to speak. 

"Thank you everyone for coming tonight, I know for someone of you it was very short notice." She says while looking at the Artlife employees who give a little chuckle. I see Ferit raise his glass up to Eda with a wink. What was going on there? " I wanted everyone here to gather and celebrate with me." She says with a smile. "But that's not the only reason why I invited everyone here today, I wanted to share some news with everyone." News? What news? " As you all know it has been a long time since I have been back in Turkey, and that I have been in Italy. But I wanted to announce to everyone that I am permanently moving back to Turkey." 

I smile at her news, she was back permanently. She had already told me but still it was nice to hear again. She rubs her hands together. 

"As some of you may know I am now the CEO of the Yildirim Corporation, and Marcus here is my Vice President." She says looking at Marcus, who is smiling at her. I really wish I had more of that scotch. "With the business growing more and more everyday and with me coming back to Turkey the media now knowing that I have taken over after babaanne things are going to be a little more crazier than usual." I see the bodyguards around her all checking around the room and talking into their ear pieces. Crazier was a understatement. "I just want everyone to be comfortable with the sudden changes that are taking place. If you guys have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to tell me personally or Tahir. Thank you guys for giving me your attention, now let's eat." 


 I notice that everyone was either talking to someone else or at the bar after my speech, so I signal to the waiter in the corner to start dinner in ten minutes. I go to take a seat when I notice that the guards are still patrolling I roll my eyes.I go to Ant who is talking with the men. The men see me coming and give me a nod of the head, Ant turns around and faces me  with the nodding of their heads. 

"There is no need for you guys to stand here watching us eat. Come on you guys deserve a break as well." I say to the four men that are always with me. 

"Eda it's fine we will continue with the patrol and eat at later time." Ant tell me, but I can see the fallen faces behind him sad that they were missing out on the chance to eat, so I let out a smirk, wink at the guys and nod my head towards Ant's legs. They nod their heads at me behind Ant's back telling me that they got the plan. 

"Oh okay Ant if you say so....." I pretend to turn around but I suddenly turn. "NOWW!" Micheal, Luca and Andrew lift an unsuspecting Ant up around the legs and start to take him to the table. I laugh at the scene, and everyone starts to laugh at the scene that was currently taking place. I see Tahir next to Melo laughing along with her, I see her hand go through his elbow which makes him tense but then they relax into each other. I was happy that Melo had finally found the white knight that she always wanted. She deserved to be happy. I turn back to see the guys setting Ant into a seat at the table, and a grumpy Ant trying to get up. I walk over to them, and I set my hand down on his shoulder. 

"Just face it Ant, you can't deny me anything" I say with a smirk, but my face freezes when I see where the guys had sat him down. Right. Next. To. Serkan. 

I throw a glare at the guys, because there was no way this was a accident. They just shrug and go off to their seats. I let out a sigh because I knew what I had to do. I push Ant into the next seat that was meant for Efe and I sit in Belle's seat. 

"I bet you regret it now." I could hear the smugness in Ant's voice. I turn to look at him, I send him a smirk, which wipes the smugness off his face. Because he knew that I would get him back, and that it would be much worse. I hear the seat next to me being pulled out and someone sitting right next to me. I was afraid to look because only one person could sit in that seat. I turn my head to face......Erdem? 

"Hello Eda!" Next thing I know I was being hugged by Erdem. I couldn't help but chuckle, I return the hug tapping his back. "Hello Erdem, how have you been?" I ask as I pull away from the hug. 

" Good good. But I would be better with my beloved Fifi. How do you think she is?" I couldn't help but smile at Erdem and his crazy love for Fifi. 

"Erdem. Do you miss Fifi?" I ask him. 

"Well of course I do. She is my dark angel." He says with a sigh and I try my hardest to hold in my laugh. 

"Then what are you doing talking to me?" He looks at me with a tilted head with question. I nod my head towards the bar where Fifi was standing talking to Ceren and Ferit. Erdem shoots up from the seat knocking the chair to the ground. 

"FIFI???" He runs over to Fifi, but I miss what happens next because Serkan had just picked up the chair and sat down right next to me. 

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