I Just Want Her

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I drank from the lemon water that Sefyi had brought. I set the glass back on table and faced everyone else around the table. We all knew what conversation was about to happen, but we all were afraid to have it. Peril was the first to speak. 

"Serkan are you really going to close down her father's company?" 

"Yeah Abi, and what about suing her?" Engin asked.

"Yes, I meant every single word, I will take everything from her." I take another sip from my water, wishing Eda was right next to me. 

" Okay, I understand suing Seline but taking her father's company that's a little much. The man didn't do anything, cmon Abi we grew up with the man." Engin said. I go to say it doesn't matter  but Melek beats me too it. 

"I think we should just throw her on a plane and let it go missing." Melek said from her seat surprising everyone. We all looked at her wide eyed. 

"What? She hurt my Dada, and nobody hurts my Dada. It's the least she can do for us."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Melek. Everyone else joined in and in a moments notice we were all laughing at the crazy situation that we were all in,we sobered up a few minutes later. I look back to Engin and Peril. 

"Yes, she needs to know what she did was wrong. I mean look what happened just twenty minutes ago. She didn't show any sign of regret or remorse. She tried to manipulate me AGAIN. I want her to wake up every morning for the rest of her life regretting what she did." 

I look at Ceren. 

"Do you think you can do that Ceren, I want legal repercussions for every single thing she tried to get away with. I want everyone to know what kind of person Selin Atakan is." 

" Don't worry, I will make it soo that she won't be able to walk outside her house without someone recognizing her." Ceren nods at me.

"But I want to make it clear that I am doing it for Eda and not you." She adds.

"I wouldn't expect anything else Ceren, thank you."

Now I face the person that I didn't want to talk to the most. 

"I told you Serkan Bay, I promised Eda I wouldn't tell anyone, not even the girls." Deniz said already knowing why I was facing him.

"Fine, I will just find out for myself anyway. Just tell me, will she be safe where she is? Is she going to be happy there until I get there?" I ask hoping he could unknowling give me some hints. 

"First you won't be able to find a history of where Eda flew, that's why she asked me to book it. So good luck with that." He says with a smirk, when he notices my fists clench. "Second Eda will be safe, and as for happy I will have to wait for the next call to tell you that."


"Serkan!" Anne yelling at me takes me back. She has never raised her voice at me before in my life. Everyone else is just as surprised as me. 


"Serkan my boy I love you, and you know that. But the actions that we took these past few weeks have pushed Eda away from us. Yes Selin was the main reason why, but I choose to keep finding you a secret. A mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life." She wipes away the tears that were falling down her face and then Seyfi hands her a tissue. I couldn't help but be surprised at what was happening. 

"And the things that you said to her can never be unsaid. You asked another woman to marry you right in front of her. We hurt our precious girl to the point that if she never came back I would understand." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. 

"Anne I can't keep going without Eda, I lived this long without her and I was barely living, Eda is the only reason I can ever want to live. I can't do this without her." I say crying on my Anne something I haven't done since I lost my brother. My mother starts to rub my back while my head is in her lap. 

I can hear the footsteps of everyone leaving as I cry into my mother's lap. I get up on my feet to call out to them to ask to talk to Eda just one more time. But my mother calls me, I turn to ask her why she was letting them leave. But the word die on my lips when I see her holding a white envelope in her hands. Which could only be one thing........Eda's letter to her. 

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