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After Deniz dropped me off, I went upstairs to the patio to get Sirus ready for Sefyi. 

"My son I am going to miss you soo much." Sirus started to lick away at my face. I kept on rubbing his face and kissing him while I could. I got up and wiped away the tears from my eyes and looked down at Sirus big brown eyes.

"You know I might just miss you the most Sirus. You were alway there for me and by my side at one of the hardest times in my life. "

Confessing to Sirus while rubbing his head and looking at the starry Turkey night, I suddenly felt a peace coming over me. Like a chapter was being closed and new blank one was opening. In a sense that's what was happening, come this time tomorrow I would be looking at a whole new view.

"Come Sirus we have to go get ready for Sefyi to take you back to your dad." 

Leading Sirus down the stairs and into my room, I got all of Sirus toys and belongs. I take a seat on my bed and Sirus come onto the bed with me and rests his head on my knee like he knows soon he won't be able to anymore. 

"I'm sorry Sirus, but you have to go back to your dad now." Sirus lets out a wine that breaks my heart. "I would do anything to keep you, but I have to start new and I can't have your dad coming after me for stealing you. It's the last thing I need."

I continue to  rub his head when I hear my phone go off. I look down at my phone and see that Sefyi texted me.  "I'm here Eda."

" Okay come. We have to get you back home."

I grab his leash, and walk over the box that holds the past year of memories. Originally I was going to give it to Sefyi to give to Serkan, but I suddenly have a better idea. I leave the box on the desk and take Sirus down to Sefyi. 

"Here you go Sefyi. Please take good care of him." As I hand him the leash I lean down one more time to give him a big kiss on his face. I turn to go back up the stairs when Sefyi calls me. 

"Eda, why do I feel that this is goodbye?"

"Because it is Sefyi. Thank you for everything, it was great to have you as my friend."

With that I walk away from yet another person because of Serkan. Going back upstairs I organize the rest of the belongings and make sure I have everything ready in my suitcases. No more flip-flop suitcases for me. I laugh at the the thought. When everything is in order and I made sure to not leave anything out I walk over to my desk to organize the letters that I had written earlier today. 

One for every person in my life that I need to say goodbye too. Afyer Hala. Melo. Ceren. Engin. Peril. Ferit. Aydan hanim. Leyla and even  Erderm.  I didn't write one for Serkan, because I didn't think I needed too though when I think about it. I needed to write him one for closure, so that I could leave here without any regrets. So that I knew that I did everything I could to bring him back. So I grab a piece of paper and a pen and started to write. 

 "Serkan there are so many things....."

After finishing Serkan's letter I wipe the tears that had fallen, and I put all the letters in a Manila envelope and put it on top of the box. I open my phone and text Deniz to make sure he knew what time to pick me up tomorrow. When I see the okay text I go to turn off my phone when I remember the recording. I get out an empty USB from my desk and download the recording onto it. When the download was complete I think about who to give this too.....I change my clothes and get ready for bed, because tomorrow was going to be a busy day. 

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