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Tw - Verbal abuse, name calling, panic attack


Jimin don't have to turn around to know who that voice belongs to. The same voice that made his heart flutter ears ago but the only thing he feel now is fear and despise.

He doesn't look back, instead he held Haru even closer to his body. He hope that the other person would just go away but that's not what the fate has destined for him.

Sitting on the opposite chair to Jimin, Sang hyun let out a vicious laugh. It's terrifying, the laugh seems like a bad omen. Jimin doesn't look back to meet his eyes but Sang hyun's gaze burned on his skin.

Jimin felt the panic begin like a cluster of spark plugs in his abdomen. Tension grew in his face and limbs, his breathing became more rapid, more shallow. His mind started replaying the same scene from their breakup, it's a haunting memory. He thought he was able to heal from it but apparently that's not it.

Sang hyun let's out a dry chuckle on seeing Jimin's reaction. The sweat dripping from his forhead, his hands shaking tremendously around Haru, his eyes fixed on the ground and breaths heavy.

Jimin feels himself on the stage of collapsing, he's just inches away from going into a full panic attack but he tries to hold onto a little longer. Not now, he tries to repeat it in his head.

Holding Haru dear to his chest he tries to stand up with his wobbly legs but Sang hyun wouldn't let him go this easily, he stops his movement by gripping his wrist.
" Where are you going babe? We met after so much time let's have a nice talk." His really motives are venomous, hidden in the mask of his friendly behavior.

When Jimin doesn't oblige to him, he tightens his grip on Jimin's hand, enough to leave a temporary bruise on his soft skin.
Jimin hisses from the pain, trying to twist his wrist to get out of his hold.

" Sit back down if you don't want me to harm that little baby of yours."
The idea of Sang hyun even laying a finger on Haru made the carousel of fears spinout of control in his head, each one pushing my mind into blackness. He wants to run away but Sang hyun's gaze hold him like a prisoner in his cell. So he have none other choice than to follow his orders.

" Now that's my good boy." Sang hyun puts forward his hand to stroke Jimin's head. Just as his hand reaches near to Jimin , he fliches and curls to his side, seeing this Sang hyun smirks to himself withdrawing his hand back.

He finally looks down at Haru. The baby flashes his usual smile at the stranger not being able to sense what kind of a person he is. Sang hyun feels his blood rushing to his head, he grips the table hard not wanting to cause a ruckus in the public.

He tries to subdue his anger. That's not how it was supposed to happen. His Jimin wasn't supposed to leave him and have someone's else baby. His child should be the one that Jimin would be holding now.

" If you wanted a baby that bad you should have told me-" He leans down towards Jimin and whispers the next part in his ear.
" I would have putted in a baby inside of you with pleasure."
The words made Jimin sick to his stomach.

" Did that bastard fucked you good ? I bet he wasn't as good as me." Jimin looked up at him with tear stained eyes. His words manages to pierce through his heart and made him feel so small. Seeing that particular reaction from Jimin, Sang hyun smiles, he feels like he has succeeded once again.

It's like an invisible hand clasps over Jimin's mouth; an equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierces his heart, unloading in an instant.
He feel so attacked right now. He don't know how Sang hyun even managed to say such words to him and insult him like that in public. Afterall he loved him at some point in his life, or did he ?

" You're such a fucking whore Jimin. Fucking someone else while you had a boyfriend and getting pregnant with their baby just to tie them down with you. Such a fucking sl-"
A hard slap echoes all around the area. It's loud enough to make people stop in their track and look at the scene in front of them.
Sang hyun hold out his stinging cheek and looked at Jimin with an angry expression. It was uncalled for, the fact that he was slapped by an omega made his wolf feel so ashamed.

" You dare to slap me ?" He's ready to repay it back to him, his hands flying all the way to Jimin's face but stops just inches away from it. When he looks into Jimin's eyes he feel a completely different aura radiating from him. The fear... It has disappeared from them.

" Hah what you think about yourself, you're just a weakass omega what you gonna do to me." If he can't go for Jimin he'll go for his little baby.

" Try laying a finger on my child and I'll show you what I can do." The anger and rage in Jimin's voice... It's something different... He seems so powerful right now. But omegas are not supposed to be like that, they're supposed to be weak, they're supposed to be submissive.

He don't let himself waver by Jimin's threats, he thinks it's just as useless as him.
" I see you're getting a bit over of yourself. I don't see your alpha nearby though. Did that useless alpha of yours left you all alo-" Jimin can hear alot of things about himself, he can endure all the harsh words and name calling but if someone dare to bad mouth his son or Yoongi they would see red.

Maybe Sang hyun has forgotten that at some time Jimin was black belt in taekwondo. So when he receives a painful kick to his stomach he's more shocked than he should be. A simple kick made him fly all the way until his back hit the trash can, spilling all over its contents on him.

" That's where you belong, to the trash can." He remembers his past well and clear, the time he was weak and fragile. He didn't had the power to fight for himself. But not anymore, it was his son's life that was on point right now, and he wants to show this bastard what he would do if someone even dare to touch his son.

" You bitch-" Gritting his teeth in anger, he stand back up on his feet, ready to throw a punch to Jimin's face.
" I see, you wanna end up dead so bad." The heavy deep voice made a shiver run through his spine. Yoongi pushed him back to the ground, giving him a deathly glare before going to Jimin's side.

" Are you okay ?" There's tears in Jimin's eyes, his hands are shaking but there's a smile on his face. A satisfied smile that marks his victory over his fear, his past.

Ruffling Jimin's hair with a proud smile, he drags his gaze back to the pathetic person still lying on the ground. He's ready to throw his hands at him but Jimin stops him by tugging at his shirt, shaking his head.

Yoongi gave him a reassuring smile before crouching down to where Sang hyun was. His blood is boiling right now, just seeing the face of the person that made Jimin's life miserable and made him go through so much, he wants to beat the shit out of him. Beat him so hard that he won't be able to remember his name by the next day. But he'll not do something against Jimin's will. And if the younger wants to let him go, Yoongi will oblige without considering his own feelings.

He grabs him by his collar, his hands itching to punch that piteous face of his.
" Just remember that if I ever saw you again near my Jimin or Haru, I won't be letting you go with a couple bruises only."
He yanks his head back, letting him fall to the ground with a harsh thud.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now