Chapter 6: 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏

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All that joy I longed for came rushing back to me, and I allowed myself to feel without shame for the first time.

Everything I was scared of was what I needed. That fear was love.

"Captain..." I said, but he shushed me and placed one of my hands upon his shoulder.

"Call me Naven," he whispered in my ear as he slid an arm around my back, holding my other hand with his free one.

We both swayed.

"Naven..." I loved how that name left my lips.

"Naven..." I repeated to myself.

Hearing me repeat his name made his heart pounce, and he started to feel what I believed used to be fear.

He closed his eyes and kissed the side of my hair, which was now frizzing up due to the raindrops.

"It's okay to feel happy Kaia."

I rested my head under his chin.

It was okay?

"It's okay... Be happy." He said again,
"No one will loathe you for it."

Tears trickled down my cheeks, but I wasn't sad.

I could cry of happiness? That was a thing?

The rain, however, carried my tears away. It always seemed to be on my side.

I began to laugh and I looked up at Naven, "It's amazing, isn't it?!"

He stopped and looked down at me, "Hm?"

I backed away from him, holding his hands, "It's so fun! Haha!"

I started spinning around with my arms out like a bird full of life.

He found himself staring at me again. My clothes starting to stick to my skin and kiss my curves. The afro forming on top of that gorgeous head of mine. That bright smile... the happy kind.

He had never seen me like this before.

Even Naven had something to be afraid of. Afraid of losing something he'll begin to love.

He was fearful of regret, but to hell with it, because if I could stop pretending, he could too. Even if it was just to have this moment.

He bent over, chuckling at himself and it shocked me. Just look at us. Like two kids playing in the rain in the most dangerous part of town.

He rose up and looked at me, "Thank you, Kaia."

I had no idea what he was thanking me for. I had never been thanked in my entire life.

I felt such a connection right then and I pulled him closer by his two hands. I couldn't even say you're welcome. I should have been the one to thank him.

He was that cloud releasing my tears from the sky. The beauty. The rain. What I wanted to feel that made me so happy.

I ran my finger under the collar of his shirt and looked up at him. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his long eyelashes blinking at you. Was that a hint of empathy there in his eyes?

There was softness in him after all.

His eyes lowered to my lips and I felt the moonlight hover over the both of us. He pulled me by my waist and kissed me.

The rain curtaining over our bodies all around.

This was heaven to me.

I pulled back shortly.
My first kiss.
His too.

He sighed, not of being annoyed, but at a peace he never knew.

He rose his head and closed his eyes, letting the sky fall over him.

I watched him closely and I could feel my heart beating again.

"I like it here, don't you, love?" he asked.

He had never called anyone that before, but that was what he felt for me.

Though we both never said it aloud, the unspoken tension was enough to clear the air.

"Yeah..." I smiled happily, lost in thought,

"More than you could ever know."

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