"𝐈 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮." [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒]

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Magnus was sat on the ground, Alec's head was in Magnus' lap. He was still unconscious.
"Come on Alec, wake up." Magnus said to him.

Izzy was sat next to her brother caressing his hand. Magnus was stroking Alec's hair.

A few moment later Alec's eyes began to open. He didn't know where he was and looked scared. The first thing he saw was Magnus, Alec could feel Magnus caressing his hair. His eyes were blurry so he couldn't quite see who's lap he was in.

Alec looked around and saw Izzy sat next to him. He began to breath faster, he was afraid.

"Alec you need to calm down." Izzy said. "Take a deep breath."
Alec did as she said and took a big deep breath of air in.

He looked around again and now it was clear, he saw Magnus. Alec's head was resting on Magnus' stomach. Alec quickly sat up.

"Sorry." Alec said nervously.
"What are you sorry for?" Magnus asked confused.

"Um, that I was laying on your stomach."
"Don't worry Alexander."

Alec took a big gulp and looked around again.

"What happen?" He asked.
"You were kidnapped by Valentine and you were injured pretty badly, Jace traded himself to get you back." Izzy told him.
"What? We need to find Jace." Alec said, scared.

"Alec we just got you back, we can't lose you again." Magnus said.
"You don't understand!" Alec shouted.
Magnus was taken aback by Alec shouting at him.

"Alec!" Izzy said. "Don't speak to Magnus like that."
"I'm sorry Magnus, it's just I need him back." Alec looked over at Magnus and then to the ground.

"It's ok Alexander, but we need to get you to the institute so you can rest."

When they had arrived back at the institute, Alec laid down in his bed. Izzy had given him a hug and then went back to her room. It was only Alec and Magnus in the room.

"I'm glad you're ok Alexander." Magnus said. He smiled at Alec and then got up out of the chair beside the bed. "I should probably go."

Alec grabbed the warlocks arm and pulled him closer.
"Please stay." Alec whispered.

Magnus didn't hesitate, he sat down in the chair again and put him hand in Alec's arm.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Alec asked.
"Because I trust you." Magnus replied. "For almost a century I've closed myself off to feeling anything for anyone, you've unlocked something in me."
Alec looked up and Magnus and smiled.

Alec was really tired, so he wasn't fully aware of what he was saying.

"I like you." Alec whispered.
"I like you too." Magnus replied
"Come closer." Alec whispered.

Alec's hand was on Magnus's arm and he was pulling him closer.
"Get into bed." Alec said.

Magnus was confused at Alec's confidence. He didn't want to rush into anything and he didn't want to take advantage of Alec because he was tired.

Magnus sat on the bed. Alec's head was beside his thigh.
"You should rest Alexander." Magnus said.

Alec looked disappointed, but Magnus was right he did need to rest.

Magnus lifted up Alec's head and fluffed up his pillows so that they were more comfortable. He let Alec rest his head down and then pulled his sheets up to make him comfortable.

"If you need anything, call me." Magnus said and smiled.
"But I don't have your number." Alec exclaimed.

"Yes you do." Magnus left the room and closed the door quietly behind him. He created a portal so that he could go back home. It had been a long day.

The next morning Alec woke up. He couldn't quite remember what happed the night before, but he could remember the boat. Jace was still gone and there was a missing feeling in Alec.

He got out of bed and put on some clothes so that he could go and get breakfast.

He opened his door, Robert was standing outside.

"Was that warlock in your room last night?" Robert asked disappointed in his son.

"No, what are you talking about?"
But Alec knew exactly what he was talking about, he suddenly remembered the night before clearly. Magnus sitting on his bed, his hand resting on Alec's arm. Alec shot the thoughts away and focused back on his father.

"Good, for a minute I thought you actually enjoyed that warlocks company." Robert said. He patted his son on the back and then went walked down the hallway.

Alec took a deep breath to steady himself before going to get breakfast. He saw Izzy coming out of her room.

"Hey big bro." She said as she saw him walk out of his room.

"Hey Iz." He said.
"Are you ok?" Izzy asked concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine." Alec answered.
"Come on, let's go and get breakfast." She continued down the hall with Alec following shortly behind her.

Alec was still thinking about Magnus and what his dad had said to him. Alec was afraid, he did like Magnus, but his father was homophobic and didn't like downworlders. He didn't think he would ever be able to come out to his dad.

He ate his breakfast and then went back to his room to grab his phone.

He had a missed call from an unknown number. He called it back.

"Alexander." The voice said.
"Yes it's Magnus, I was just wondering if you would like to go and get a drink some time."
"Yeah sure that sounds fun. When?" Alec asked.
"I don't mind, whenever you're free." Magnus replied.

When he hung up the phone all he could think about was Magnus. How nice he always looked. His face when Alec had woken up from being unconscious. His face when he was sat on Alec's bed.

He had to secretly go out to see Magnus so his dad didn't find out. He went to go to Izzy's room to talk to her about the situation.

"Izzy can I talk to you?" Asked Alec.
"Yeah of course, what is it?"

"It's about Magnus. He asked me to go and get drinks with him, but I've never been out with someone and I don't know if this is a date of casual or as friends, I need your help." Alec was getting nervous as he was taking about it.

"Alec this is great!" Izzy exclaimed excitedly.
"It is?"
"Yes, Magnus asked you on a date. I am going to help you get ready." Izzy smiled happily and let Alec come in her room.

𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 [𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝]Where stories live. Discover now