𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞? [𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔]

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Alec was at Magnus's apartment. He had told him all about what his father and Valentine had said to him before. Magnus had comforted him and told him that everything would be ok and that he didn't have to listen to those evil people.

The execution order had been placed on Valentine. They had to wait a little longer though because they had to wait for Jia Penhallow to return from Idris. Another important person from the clave was visiting, Imogen Herondale. She was jace's grandmother, she only really respected Jace because they were family, but everyone else she treated like usual. She would get mad at everyone else and shout at them for no reason.

Imogen had put Jace in charge of the institute. She told him that he would be able to do what ever he wanted, but Jace insisted that the position would go to Alec. Jace had said that Alec was a born leader and that he was a born fighter.

Jace didn't last long as the head of the institute because he had given the position to Alec. Many people in the clave now disagree with Jace's choice because Alec is gay and is dating a downworlder.

Magnus sat beside Alec and put his ringed hand on Alec's thigh.

"I love you Alexander." He said softly.
"I love you too."

It was the weekend, so Magnus and Alec didn't have to go out anywhere that day. Alec and no work to do and neither did Magnus.

"What would you like to do today?" Magnus asked.

"I would like to stay here all day with you." Alec replied with a cute smile on his face.

"Ok then I can do that."

Magnus got into bed where Alec was and took off his shirt. He laid beside Alec and wrapped his arm around him. Alec did the same and then laid his head on the pillow beside Magnus's.

They had been laying in bed for a while and Alec said. "Magnus, can you tell me more about yourself. I mean you know a lot about me, but I don't know much about you."

Magnus looked into Alec's ocean blue eyes, "well what would you like to know?" He asked.

"Well um, who are your parents?" Alec asked.

Magnus became tense because he didn't want Alec to find out about his father or what he had done to his stepfather.
Alec noticed how tense Magnus was getting. "Don't worry Magnus, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"No I do want to it's just I don't want you to look at me any differently." He exclaimed.

"Magnus whoever your parents are all I care about is you."

Magnus took a deep breath to clear his head before telling Alec about his family.
"When I was younger my mother killed herself." Magnus began.

"Magnus I'm so sorry." Alec said and then stroked Magnus's back gently.

"My stepfather found me by her bed and blamed me for her suicide. He told me that my mother hated herself for giving birth to a monster. I got upset, so I used all the magic I had and lashed out at him. I didn't realise what I had done until it was too late. I killed my stepfather and my mother was dead." Magnus said. He said it almost like a whisper because if he spoke any louder he would cry.

"You were only a boy Magnus, you didn't deserve any of that." Alec told him, his hand still on Magnus's back."

"I know, but it was my fault. I then went to go and find my father because I was alone in the world. I was homeless and didn't have anyone. My father told me that he would protect me, so I listened to him." Magnus said.

"Who is your father?" Asked Alec quietly.
"My father is..." Magnus didn't finish the sentence, he was contemplating whether he was going to tell Alec or not. "My father is Asmodeus." He finished.

Alec didn't say anything at first, he was shocked, but at the same time he didn't care who Magnus's father was.
"Magnus, you don't need to worry. I still love you." Alec said.

Magnus smiled up at him, he didn't think Alec would actually be so accepting.

Alec leaned in towards Magnus and gently pressed their lips together.
"I love you." Magnus said while they were kissing.

They curves of their smiles were pressed against each other's mouths.

Alec pulled away from the kiss and said, "anyway Magnus, you don't need to worry about your father because as you know my father isn't perfect either."
Magnus smiled. He loved how Alec always tried so hard to make Magnus smile even when he was upset.

"You're so cute." Magnus laughed and Alec was relieved that he could see his boyfriends smile.

They proceeded to kiss until Magnus pulled away.

"I have an idea." Magnus said and then jumped out of bed.

"What is it?" Alec asked.
"Follow me."

Alec got out of bed and followed Magnus out of the bedroom. Magnus clicked his finger and blue sparks flew around the room.

"What is this?" Asked Alec.
Magnus looked over at Alec and smiled a big, bright smile.

"Care to dance." Magnus said with a hand reaching over to Alec.

"But I can't dance." Alec said.
"That's no problem, but would you like to dance?" He asked again.

Alec took Magnus's hand and then began to dance. Alec wasn't the best dancer, but because he was a shadow Hunter he knew how to move his feet. Alec's body was pressed up against Magnus's as they danced.

"You're not a bad dancer." Magnus said.
Alec smiled at him and then pressed a gentle kiss on his neck.

Alec spun Magnus around and then pulled him back against his body.
"That was graceful" Magnus smiled.
"ShadowHunter." Replied Alec.

They were both still dancing, their feet moving together rhythmically.
"Thank you." Alec whispered.
"For what?" Magnus asked a bit confused.
"For saving me."

Magnus smiled, "it was all you Alexander."

Magnus was the reason that Alec could look at himself in the mirror and see someone who isn't lying to everyone he loves, he could he who he always wished to be.

Magnus pressed a kiss on Alec's lips and then they danced until their feet hurt.

Magnus pressed a kiss on Alec's lips and then they danced until their feet hurt

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