Chapter One

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Chocolate milk, toast and fried eggs are her favorite breakfast. As her father puts them on the table, her mood instantly lifts up. She's going back to school today. Like every other student, she too hates going to school. Her bad mood makes her look scarier to the students of Saebom high school, but lucky for them, her father cheered her up by preparing her favorite breakfast.

"Are you happy now, Nara?"

"I'm happy, appa." She smiles at him.

"Good, you should be attentive at school, okay? And also have fun."

"I will, don't worry about me. But I always worry about you, appa. You are working too hard these days, can't you take rest for a few days?"

"Aish~ I'm the parent, I'll worry about you, not the other way around. Don't get into fights or cause trouble at school, okay?"

"Yes, yes. Aish~ stop nagging, appa."

"You always say that but cause problems. Be careful from this year, alright?"

"Hehe promises." She replies and runs out of their home.
"Ya! Ko Nara!" Her father yells at her but she pays no heed and gets on her motorcycle fast and leaves quickly. Ko Eun Hyung, her father is a nurse in the local hospital. He works really hard for her as she is his only child and the pride of his existence. Ko Eun Hyung sighs thinking how she has changed after her mother walked out of that door. But he smiles right after, feeling proud of the woman she is becoming.


As she reaches her school and parks her motorcycle, some people stare at her but some are scared to even look at her. She pulls up her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. The helmet always ruins her hair, well, ruins more than it is, so, she never ties it up whenever she rides her motorcycle. Han Seojun, the renowned 'bad boy', is also back to school and gets down his motorcycle, shaking his head to fix his hair. When he notices Suho, the golden boy of Saebom high school, Seojun stares at him for a while and mumbles, "How annoying." All the girls of Saebom high school are staring at them and squealing. 'Aishh~ so lame.' she thinks.

After a while, their homeroom starts and she finally enters the classroom after wasting time in the garden of their school by listening to music.

"Ah, Nara-ah is also back to school. Welcome back, Ko Nara, take your assigned seats, and work hard this year, okay?" Says the homeroom teacher of her class. He's really kind, she acknowledges that and smiles and nods at him then goes back to her usual expression, or the lack of; to be precise. She sits behind a usually empty seat; now, occupied by a new girl and makes eye contact with Han Seo jun accidently. He scoffs at her.

"What? Is something wrong, Han Seo jun?" She asks him a bit irritated but he rolls his eyes and lies his head down on his desk.


"What did you say?"

"I called you an asshole. Why? Are you going deaf?"

"YA! Ko Nara!"

"Seo jun, Nara, please don't fight on your first day. You two should start your first day nicely, understand?" Mr. Han, their homeroom teacher, breaks up the almost fight between them before it starts.

Seo jun and Nara ignore each other throughout the whole day. But the new girl starts speaking to her on the lunch period.

"Annyeonghaseyo~ my name is Lim Jukyung, I'm new here." She waves and smiles at Nara.

"......." She simply stares at her then lies down on her desk and plugs in her earphones, pretending to listen to music, as she is curious about Lim Jukyung, the new girl. It gets a bit more interesting as the girl sitting in front of Jukyung starts speaking about her.

"She is the tomboy and the bad girl of our school. Sometimes she picks fight with Han Seo jun. But she always comes to school with bruises and bandages. Her name is Ko Nara. Don't speak to her, she's scary, okay?" The girl whispers about her.

'Her name is Soo ahn, right?' she wonders. 'No, it's Soo ah. People are so dumb and get scared easily. Aishh~' She thinks tiredly.Then she gets up to go to the music room, planning to skip the rest of school hours. Her classmates stare at her as she takes her bag and leaves.
"What? Is she skipping classes again?"
"She just got back though."
"Seriously? She's such a bad student."
She looks back and stares at them blankly then leave as that makes them look away and stop talking. 'They are all so lame and boring.' She scoffs.

When she wakes up, it's already dark. She checks her phone and finds out that it's only 7:30 pm. She quickly leaves for home and texts her father.

when are you coming home, appa?-
-I'm going to be late tonight.
Alright, I'm making dinner tonight-
-Is that so? I'm excited :)

She smiles at her phone and starts preparing for dinner, right after entering her home. It's been a while since she cooked dinner. She wonders if she should get a part time job to help her father as he's working too hard these days.


"Can I do part time job or jobs, appa?"

"Why? Do you need money?"

"No, it's nothing like that. I just want to help you."

"No, you don't need to help me, Nara-ah~ But if you want to gain experience, then it's fine. But if you do work, use the money for yourself."


"Nara-ah~ Are you sure you want to give up on your passion?"

"What passion? I only did it for fun. Do you want me to start again?"

"Of course! If you want to Nara-ah~"

"I don't want to though."

"Alright." Her father sighs. He simply wants the best for his daughter but he doesn't understand why she doesn't want to go back to the one thing she loved the most, anymore. He wonders if he's missing something. What he doesn't know, is that, he's missing a very big part of her past and it's going to take a lot to get his stubborn daughter speak about it.

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