Chapter Fourteen

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[A.N.: (ᗒᗩᗕ) sorry for suddenly going MIA. I needed some space. But people kept voting and commenting. Thank youuuuuuu. This story was #33 in kdrama. Even though it's not anymore, I'm thankful to everyone for the support. I didn't expect for it to happen. Khamsahamnida/arigato gozaimasu *bows*
- author-nim~]
Nara slept really well that night, the reason doesn't matter, whether it's because she cried or because she had fun and had a surprisingly decent time with Han Seo Jun. For solely that reason, she woke up earlier and happier. She sang to herself, which she rarely does, and cooked too much for the breakfast of two. She doesn't ride her bike fast enough even though she's late and even tries to pet the wild cat of her neighborhood. She's a bit later than before but she keeps smiling and softly dancing after getting down from her bike. She even ties her hair up less harshly. Her chipper behavior earns her more creeped out looks than the earlier days, when everyone tried to stay clear of her path because of her grumpy facial expression. But she's too busy being happy to notice the effect of her happy mood to the students. She's also too busy to notice that Han Seo Jun just got out of his motorcycle and is making a way to her and to her, running away from Suho and oblivious, friend in front of her with the intent of apologizing. He notices her hair in the usual messy bun and decides that she looks more natural and maybe more beautiful with her hair down and free. Her bun makes her look intimidating, probably this is what she goes for. He chuckles to himself and walks faster. But of course, the two girls bump into each other before he can reach them.

"A- ah, mianhae." Jukyung breaks out of her inner turmoil and notices her friend.

"Jukyung-ah." Nara looks at her wide eyed and she tries to get away from her. But Nara grabs her hand.

"Joseonghaeyo." Now, it's Jukyung's turn to look wide eyed but Nara speaks up before she can reply.

"That song they played, I'm kind of- well, I hate seeing people mindlessly sing that. I'm sorry for being so rude back then but I had to get away."

"So, you weren't mad?"

"No. Of course not. I'm really sorry for my behavior. I hope you can find it yourself to forgive me. I'll work hard to make it up to you." She flexes her arm.

Jukyung smiles uncomfortably. "Ani~ ani~ It's okay. But why though?"

"Why I hate it?" Jukyung nods and Nara feels her heart drop to her stomach.

"Can I tell you some other day? I'm not comfortable speaking about that yet."

"Okay." She notices her friend looking uncomfortable for the first time and decides to stop now.

"Lim Jukyung." Seo Jun calls out from behind Nara. He reached the two.

"You! Are you here to make fun of me again? By saying that you'll listen to everything I say?!"

"No. I swear." Seo Jun's luck is not with him today. His friends appear from behind them and starts cheering that Seo Jun will listen to Jukyung. Nara rubs her temple and sighs.

"I won't do that again. I'll listen to you."

"Yah! Didn't you just say that you won't do it again?! Han Seo Jun! I won't tolerate if you make fun of me." She shows him her fist then bumps into him on purpose and walks away. Seo Jun sighs in defeat.

"You guys are doing it wrong, y'know?" Nara addresses Seo Jun's friends. The rowdy boys shut up and glance at her curiously.

"If you guys keep doing that, Seo Jun will lose his chance in 'wooing' Jukyung-ah." She runs off.

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