Chapter Eighteen

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[A.N.: Hi....? Hope y'all are well. I'm kinda not but I'll be fine in no time. Please keep voting and commenting. Take my heartfelt gratitude because saying thank you has gotten so old lol.
Be brave~]
Seo Jun has been in a good mood. Definitely not because of yesterday. Nope. He scrolls through social media, it's been a while since he has done that. He stalks- no scratch that- he scrolls through Nara's account because he's curious about her posts. She rarely posts, the gap between her last two posts is around six months. She also doesn't post pictures of her face, not even on her profile photo. She posted a shadow of him and Chorong with her, captioning, 'I have good people for friends' -this makes him smile. Some people are complaining about calling them her "friends". He smiles unconsciously and wonders if she makes friends that easily. She didn't seem like that. Jukyung and Nara appear out of nowhere.

"~Tarzan in his one cent underwear~" Lim Jukyung gets into his face and bends her wrist, sticking it out then she scratches in the air. "Roar~ Roar~"

Nara also appears out of nowhere and puts an arm around his shoulder forcefully and messes up his hair, almost. He looks at her smiling and giggling at Jukyung. It sounds like bells. It makes him want to keep her as happy as this moment. "Wah~ you look like a cute kitty, Jukyung-ah~" [yes I'm obsessed with cats so I couldn't pass up the opportunity lol] She moves her face to the side and glances at Seo Jun. "Doesn't she?"

Sunlight really doesn't pass through her hair, he acknowledges, it has created a violet hue on the outline of her hair. Her laugh is making her look innocent and the bell like sound is making him feel as though they are floating. She's glowing. Seo Jun's heart beat quickens and he breathes faster and deeper. He feels warmer yet calmer. Somehow, she completely draws him into her and only her. Beautiful. She's magnificent and absolutely beautiful. What is she doing to him? He tries to control his breathing and gulps.

She links her hand with Jukyung's and the girls get away, chuckling together. It really can't enter her hair, the sunlight. He stares at her retreating figure in a trance. He must be going insane; he subconsciously puts a hand on his hair, right where she had touched. Yes, she's making him go absolutely crazy. Does she even have any clue, what she's doing to him? Probably not.


In the music class, Nara keeps quiet. She wanted to skip like the other days, but Jukyung is determined to make a 'student' out of her. So, of course, she didn't let her skip. But she made sure to sit down on the last bench, alone. She glances at the thin book of songs on her hand contemptuously. She doesn't want to sing and she's not going to sing unless it's an exam and she wants to pass to make her appa think that she's completely fine. That guy used to help her with these things but he is not here anymore. He was the only person out of the team, to know about her mother. And he left her alone. She wants to resent him for that. But she never can. He was suffering too. But that didn't give him the right to leave her so selfishly. But then, he was hurt. She should have taken better care of him. She drops her head down slowly. The music teacher has already given up on her. She won't disturb her.

Unbeknownst to the girl's inner turmoil, Seo Jun stares at her mindlessly. Is he really catching feelings for her? Her, out of all people? A tomboy with knack for violence? But he has to admit, she's pretty. If she didn't scowl most of the time at school or glared into the space as though she wants to kill someone, she would have been popular among boys. She keeps her hair down now and smiles more often, she has already caught many boys' eyes. But they back away when they hear her name and recognize her as the rumored "Mafia boss" or crazy "drug dealer". Honestly, the rumors can't get more ridiculous, can they? There is also a rumor saying how she licked the blood of one of her victim from school of her own knuckles. Who even spreads those crazy things? She does have a weird addiction to violence but she didn't beat anyone up yet. As far as he knows, that is. She's actually a way too much self-dependent person and hates getting help. She's so ...amazing? That feeling again. Just what is she doing to him? The boy beside him screams- oop- sings loudly and Seo Jun breaks free of his daze and jumps on his sit. As though, his heart wasn't beating fast enough because of her, he yells at the guy to tone down. There is no way that he li- nope, no way.

"You, smile right now."


Seo Jun and Nara just met outside the classroom in the lunch break, when he handed her some chocolate milk and made that peculiar "request". She stares up at him wondering if he is joking but he seems very serious.

"....what are you talking about?"

"Smile or laugh as though you are genuinely happy. You like it, right?" She mentioned her obsession about chocolate milk yesterday. He wants to check if it was just because of her smile. After all, she does have a nice smile.

"I don't understand."

"Wait." He pushes her near a window, where the sunlight is coming out of. It wasn't his imagination, the light seriously doesn't pass her hair, it's like her hair is a pile of heavy curtains. Al she has to do is smile now. "Now, smile."

The weird stares, they are getting is unnoticed but when Jukyung's stare join, it becomes noticable. Only because she opens her mouth.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Jukyung-ah, he's being a weirdo and telling me to smile. Tell him to stop, he'll listen to you."

But Lim Jukyung is a traitor. "Wah~ Good idea. Smile, Nara-ah. People won't be scared of you anymore." She smiles at her usually scowling friend  encouragingly.

Nara's scowl worsens. "Wahh~ you traitor."

"You, make her laugh. You can do it best." Seo Jun demands.

"Nope." Jukyung denies and moves away but makes silly faces abruptly. But that doesn't elicit the laugh Seo Jun was waiting for. She pushes him away.

"You are a creepy guy, Seo Jun-ie. And you are a traitor, Jukyung-ah, a cute one but still a traitor." She walks away.

"I- I'm not creepy or weird, okay?! You are the creepy one."


"Ya, Ko Nara! What does that supposed to mean?"


A text falters her step. Nara was peacefully walking to the abandoned warehouse, she's been skipping training there. The school ended a while ago. In the text, Jukyung sent her location and a photo of a few guys dancing at what seems to be a karaoke place. She only wrote one thing, "help". She runs. By the looks of it, she's skipping today too. Coach will be angry but who cares? Her friend needs her.

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