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All of a sudden Mina asks Todoroki. "Can I pet your ears?" Her hand reaches for Todoroki's head. Todoroki blushes and panics a bit. "I um.. I am sorry, Mina! But they are really sensitive!" Todoroki says before she can touch him. Mina drops her hand. Todoroki lets out a relieved sigh. He managed to stop her. The other girls seem to agree with Mina, but Jirou lifts her shoulders and says "Come on girls, let the boy be." The other girls nod in agreement slowly one after another.

"In fact we should let Todoroki kun go to rest in his dorm. It has happened a lot to him. I am sure he needs some time to think over it." Iida says. As the class 1A president he made an opening for Todoroki to get away. Todoroki noods. "Thank you, Iida. I'll go to my dorm then." Todoroki stands up. He looks around him, but can't see Midoriya anywhere.

"I guess I'll get to talk to him later. I just want to thank him for coming with me and all." Todoroki mumbles, or is he just thinking? Todoroki takes the elevator up to his floor. "It feels good to finally have some time for myself again." Todoroki says to himself while opening the door to his dorm.

Finally he lays down on his bed. His thoughts obviously go straight to what Mary san said earlier. Funny thing that Midoriya was the one to come with him. Todoroki blushes. Why does he blush all the time? It is so irritating! He cools himself down with his ice quirk again. What exactly is this feeling? What is it that makes him blush so much?

Midoriya is a boy right? How could it then feel like he likes Midoriya romantically? Todoroki blushes as he thinks about the opportunity that he might like Midoriya as more than a friend. His thoughts come back to what Mary san said again. Todoroki understood the phrase, but he shoved it out of thought.

Todoroki finds a mirror from a drawer. He looks at himself in the mirror. "I guess I gotta live with these for at least two month." He pets his ears. "I better get used to them anyway." Todoroki takes his tail in his hands. It is white with a red tip. "He should be able to move it right? That's what cats do at least?" Todoroki remembers the cat in their neighborhood. He used to play with it when he was little. It used to shake its tail when it was happy, and it made such cute kitty noises.

The cat had been one of the happier things in his childhood. Though he can't seem to remember what happened to the cat. "I guess I got older." Todoroki sits up in his bed. He tries to move his tail. It was much easier than he expected, but when he tries picking up stuff with it or holding things he just glips them. He laughs a bit.

It's not like his tail has any fingers or anything. Todoroki looks at his tail waving again. Maybe his ears can move to? He tries. Even though moving his ears is harder than moving his tail, he manages to move his ears a bit. Both his ears and his tail seem to be able to move without his help though.

"Cat personality, huh." Todoroki thinks back to what Mary said. "That's what happens first right? I wonder what that is supposed to mean." Todoroki thinks through what cat personality means. Suddenly he hears someone knocking on his door. "Hm?" Todoroki turns his head around and stands up. Midoriya opens the door. "Hey, Todoroki kun! Dinner is ready soon." Midoriya smiles. "Thank you, Midoriya. I guess we should go then." Todoroki says, smiling lightly back.

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