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Todoroki can feel Midoriya's hands on his head. His hands stroke Todoroki's hair. None of them said anything. Todoroki was feeling better, but he didn't want to let go. Maybe he had romantic feelings for Midoriya?

"Todoroki kun..?" Midoriya broke the silence. "Yes?" Todoroki opened his eyes again. "Can I pet your ears? I know they are really sensetiv-" Todoroki interrupts Midoriya. "Yes."

Todoroki closed his eyes again. He couldn't see Midoriya, but it wouldn't surprise him if he was blushing. Could it be that Midoriya also thought of Todoroki like that? Todoroki mentally slapped himself again. "Don't think like that."

Then Todoroki could feel something touching his ears. His ears reacted instantly, they started to move a bit. His tail also started moving, before it laid down beside him.

Todoroki could feel Modoriya's fingers petting his ears. A soft kitty noise escaped from Todoroki's lips. "Mmmrr'' His tail moved a bit. "You made a kitty noise!" Todoroki opened his eyes. Midoriya was blushing a bit and he smiled.

"Midoriya I... '' Todoroki stopped himself from finishing the sentence. He needed more time to think of all these feelings before he said anything to Midoriya about them.

"Um... Do you think you can walk again now?" Midoriya was blushing. Todoroki sat up from Midoriya's lap so he was sitting beside him on the bench.

"I am so sorry you had to do this, Midoriya." Todoroki looked down. It was obvious Midoriya just did that to help him. Midoriya was a hero after all. "No, I didn't mind." Midoriya blushes and looks down as well. "I mean... If I could help you again sometime please say!" Both are blushing a bit now.

After sitting there for a few minutes, Midoriya breaks the silence again. "Should we go to the dorms now?" Midoriya stands up. "Yeah..." Todoroki stands up as well.

They walk side by side towards the dormetority. "Um, Midoriya.. let's not let this come in the way of our friendship, right?" Todoroki can feel his heart break when he uses the word "friendship".

"Though that is what they are, friends! Nothing more nothing less" Todoroki thinks. "Yeah, let's not!" Midoriya smiles and seems to be back to normal. They walk up the few stair-steps up to the door, and then they head inside the dormitory.

There aren't a lot of people in the dormitory. Probably because people go home on the weekends, and today it is a nice Friday afternoon. A lot of their classmates have already left.

"That's a relief if there were a lot of people here, we probably would need to explain why we are so late." Todoroki was relieved. He doesn't like explaining, and how would they even explain?! Midoriya seems to think the same thing.

"Todoroki kun?" Midoriya grabs Todoroki's wrist just when Todoroki was about to walk up to the elevator. "Hm? What is it Midoriya?" Todoroki asks, a bit confused. "Is he mad at me for what happened earlier? I did apologize, right?" Todoroki feels bad, if he just didn't get hit by that quirk...

"Could we talk somewhere? Maybe we could walk to the train station together?" Midoriya looks down. "Yeah, let's meet here in ten minutes, then we can go." Todoroki smiles, and starts walking towards the elevator. Midoriya blushes and looks down. "Yeah..."

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