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Ten minutes later the two boys step off the train while holding hands. "So where are we going?" Izuku smiles up at Shoto.

"You'll see eventually." Todoroki starts walking. "Sho, wait!" Izuku runs up after Shoto. "What was that?" Todoroki turns around and smiles.

"A nickname..." Izuku blushes and looks down, walking two steps behind Shoto. "Ok then, come on Izu." Todoroki answers and reaches out his hand.

Izuku blushes and grabs Shoto's hand. They are now walking close to each other down the street. Shoto lifts his tail and embraces Izuku with it, now holding around Izuku's waist with his tail.

Izuku blushes, while squeezing Shoto's hand and smiling up at him.

The two of them reach a small restaurant at a corner of two streets. The sign says "A cat's whisper". Midoriya smiles. "A cat cafe!"

"Have you been to one before, Sho?" Izuku says while they walk in. "No, I haven't, this is my first time." Shoto feels a bit embarrassed. "Your first time is with me then!" They smile at each other.

When they sit down inside Izuku starts laughing. "What is it Izu?" Shoto looked at Izuku in confusion. "Well it's just that.. pffft! You totally fit in here, Sho!"

It takes Shoto some seconds to realize what he means. "Oh, now I get it." Shoto says, touching his ears. As he talks a cat walks over to them. "Aww, so cute! Let me take a picture of you two." Midoriya finds his phone.

"As our first picture after getting together you should be in it as well." Todoroki states. "Oh, okay" Midoriya laughs a bit. They take a lovely selfie together.

"I can go get us some food, you can stay here with the cat." Izuku stands up. "Ok, can you get me a coffee boba?" Shoto answers. "I can pay you back later?" Izuku shakes his head. "It's on me."

Todoroki sees Izuku walking up to the till. He leans back on the sofa. "Is this how dates work?" He thinks looking down at his phone. "One new message from Izuku Midoriya" his phone says. Todoroki locks up his phone. It's the selfie. He smiles

"Woah, woah!" Izuku says when he comes back. "Hm?" Todoroki opens his eyes. He didn't even notice that he locked them. His phone is still in his hand.

"The cats seem to like you!" Izuku chuckles and sits down besides Shoto. That's when he realizes he's buried under cats and kittens. Shoto sits up a bit. Some of the cats jump on him, but most of them stay on him.

Izuku lifts a kitten off Shoto's head while he chuckles. "I should take a picture of you." Izuku lifts up his phone and snaps a quick photo. "I guess I am popular with cats when I am like this." Todoroki chuckles and smiles at his boyfriend. Midoriya blushes and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"I ordered some dorayaki as well. Do you like those?" Midoriya says a bit afraid that he should have chosen something else. "Yea, they're good." Todoroki says remembering the snack. Two pancakes with red bean paste between them. "Which size did you get them in?" Todoroki says as he pets a cat laying in his lap. "He looks so cute petting that cat!" Midoriya thinks while answering. "Medium." 

Author's note: Thank you guys so much for over 400 reads! It really makes me happy. And those of you that follow my story as I upload, thank you so much! You make my day! 

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