Getting To Know Each Other

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Hey guys! I'm already thinking of a new story with Harry. But I'm need to focus on this since I just started it although I have a bunch of chapters done already. Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter. It's starting to get exciting now! Remember to vote and/or comment. Thanks guys!



Chapter Eight

"I can't believe this," I said as Zayn and I sat down in a booth at Friday's.

"Can't believe what?" Zayn asked.

Was he stupid?

I glared at him, "This! I have to act as Mikayla! This is insane how will this work?"

Zayn shrugged, "Just gotta be a good actor."

"So I have act like I'm in love with you. That's going to be really difficult."

"And you think it'll be easy for me?" Zayn snapped back.

"Well maybe Mikayla and Zayn should just break up."

Zayn almost seemed like he was considering it, "We can't do that. That'll cause too much attention."

I slumped in my seat and crossed my arms over me chest, "Fine," I muttered.

"You act like a child."

The waitress walked up to our table and asked if we were ready to order.

"I'm not hungry," I said.

Zayn gave me look, "I took you here cause you said you were."

"Well, my appetite has been ruined."

Zayn slowly turned his head to the waitress, "I'm sorry but I think we may need more time."

She nodded, "Of course," and she walked off.

"Do you want food or not?" Zayn asked sternly.

"I'm not hungry."

"Let's go then." He stood up.

I followed and we walked out in silence to the car. We both slid in the 


"Take us back to...Mikayla's house please," Zayn asked the driver.

The driver nodded and put the car in drive. The car ride was silent and that's just the way we both wanted it. I don't understand how this is supposed to work. Zayn and I can barely stand each other. There is no way I could act like I loved him. The media will see right through me. They'll know the love isn't real and they'll know I'm not Mikayla.

We pulled up to the house and we both went into the house as quickly as we could. I ran straight to my room and threw myself on my bed. I kept hearing thuds at my window and turned my head to look. There was Ryan just throwing pebbles at my window. I smiled to myself and went to open the window.

"Hey Mal," He greeted.

"Hey," I said quietly.

Ryan frowned slightly, "Something wrong, princess?"

I grinned a little at the name, "I actually got some bad news," I looked down, avoiding eye contact with him.

God, I didn't want to tell him this. I didn't want to lie to him and I didn't want to leave him. This was going to be difficult.

"What is it?"

"I'm-I'm moving," I managed to stutter it out.

Ryan's face dropped and it was like he had heard the worst news in the world, "Why?"

"Mikayla," I shrugged.

"But- I don't understand."

"It's too much to explain. I'll tell you soon though, okay? I just can't right now."

"But Mallory tell-"

"Bye Ryan. I love you," I said and I just the window along with the blinds. I heard him shouting at me to wait and asking why but I ignored it. One down, one to go. I don't know how I'd tell Rachel. It was going to be just as hard and painful. God, this is all Mikayla's fault. She really is ruining my life. I heard and knock on my door and saw a little black hair peak in.

"What do you want, Zayn?" I asked already annoyed by his presence.

He slowly walked in and seemed nervous, "I just think that maybe we should talk. Like get to know each other. Have a better understanding of each other. I think it may help our, uh, relationship."

I gave him a look and considered what he was saying, "Okay, fine sit," I mentioned for him to sit on the bed. I sat across from him my back against the headboard. There was a good distance between us.

"So, pretty boy tell me 'bout yourself," I said cockily.

Zayn put on a slight smirk, "Well, I think you know the basics. I'm nineteen soon to be twenty. I'm in One Direction-"

"No shit Sherlock," I interrupted with a chuckled.

Zayn's smirk grew, "Uh, I've got three sisters, grew up in Bradford, got a fear of water, tried out for X-Factor when I was 17. Uh, I love the book Harry Potter and before I go on stage I absolutely have to brush my teeth."

I giggled, "Alright, um, I'm eighteen. I've only got my sister, been a Californian my whole life. I'm huge dog lover although my dad is allergic to them. Never read the Harry Potter series," He gave me a shocked face, "Hey, they are like what seven of them? And they are way too long. Anyway, I'm partially glad I don't have to go back to my school but I really don't want to do this whole thing. And I'm addicted to Tumblr."

Zayn chuckled, "Do you need to see a therapist."

"Ha, ha," I said dryly as I rolled my eyes.

An awkward silence fell between the two of us. He looked down at his hands trying to think of something to say. "So, how come you don't seem to like it at your school?" He inquired.

"Please, I hate it. Rachel is the only thing that keeps me sane while I'm there. Kids are cruel these days you know. And having Mikayla as a sister is hard. I love her but it's hard. People constantly compare me to her! They keep saying I'll never be as good as her or that I have no talent. I've met so many fake people too. So many try to by my friend so they can get close to my sister and even you! I only trust Rachel and Ryan because they're the only ones who wouldn't lie to to me. But yet here I am, lying to them."

"I'm sorry," Zayn almost whispered.

"Yeah, that's what they always say," I sighed. I stood up and began nervously playing with these on my desk. I felt Zayn's eyes watching me as I moved.

"So, what are Mikayla's plans? Any big red carpet events?" I spoke sarcastically.

"Actually," He sighed.

I whipped my body around, "I was kidding. No, don't tell me there actually is. Oh, god please no!"

Zayn's eyebrows scrunched together in worry, "Award show."

"No!" I shouted, "When?"

"Next weekend."

"Oh god. Lord help me. This can't be real."

"Afraid it is."

"I'm gonna trip going the carpet. I'm gonna make a fool of myself! I'm going to ruin everything!" I paced nervously around my room.

Zayn stood up and grabbed my arms to stop me, "Hey, you're gonna do just fine. Trust me."

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