Baby Blue Eyes

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Chapter One

"Ms. Davis," Mrs. Cange called out to me.

I clearly wasn't listening to her drone on and on about the Pythagorean Theorem.I mean who would any way? Most people in this class are half asleep and she never tends to notice. But when I am, she finally takes attention to it.

"Ms. Davis!" She called out again this time a little bit louder.

My head snapped up, "Yes?"

"Am I boring you in anyway?" Mrs. Cange put a hand on her hip.

Ohh, sassy.

"Nope, not at all. I was just thinking about my sister coming home today." The sister card is what I always pulled on Mrs. Cange. Ever since Mikayla became this huge superstar my math teacher has fallen in love with her. Whenever I mention her she becomes really happy and sweet.

"Oh is she really? That's so wonderful! Are you excited?" She asked me as her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Yes, very." Lies.

I mean don't get me wrong I love my sister. I kind of have to though, right? But she can be just so snobbish. Also since we're twins, I'm constantly being compared to her. Especially because she's awfully famous.

"Aww, I'm sure you are. Tell her I said hello." She said.

"Mhm, will do." Lies again. Dang, they just kept coming out.

The bell rang just as Mrs. Cange was writing some notes up on the board. I quickly gathered my things wanting desperately to get out of there. I shuffled down the hallway full of kids trying to get out as well. I stopped in front of my locker and turned the lock.

38-17-7 Click

I pulled the metal door open and gathering the books I needed over the weekend. I shut the locker and got a face full of Rachel.

"Hey!" My best friend said cheerfully as she tucked a piece of her light brown locks behind her ear.

I laughed, "Be any more closer to my face why don't ya?"

Rachel giggled, "Sorry! Are you still taking me home?" She asked me as we began walking down the hallway towards to the exit.

"Yeah, of course. I'll drive you to New York just so I don't have to go home."

"I would love for you to drive me but New York is across the country. And why don't you want to go home?"

"Mikayla is coming home today and I'm not that excited to see her." I let out a deep sigh.

"Come on, Mikayla isn't that bad," Rachel said.

"Yeah, but she's bringing her boyfriend and you know how I don't like him."

"You know most girls would be flipping out about your situation." Rachel grinned.

"Yeah, well I'm not most girls." I replied.

We walked out the front doors of the school. The first thing we saw was a huge crowd of people gathered around one thing. We couldn't see who they were all so excited about though.

"What's going on?" Rachel muttered.

"I don't know but I really don't want to stay for it."

"I thought you wanted anything but to go home." Rachel smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed her wrist, "Come on let's go."

We began walking towards the parking lot but on the way I heard someone calling me name.

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