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Chapter 22

I shoved my history book into my locker and quickly exchanged it for my sociology book. I quickly shut the door before everything fell out. When I turned to head to homeroom I was met with the face of Tracy White.

"Hey Mallory!" Her preppy voice shouted.

"Hi," I responded hesitantly.

Tracy and I weren't friends. I never liked her and she never liked me. In fact, she wasn't the most loved girl in the school. She was often called a slut and a complete bitch. I hate to say it but it's true. If she cleaned up her act she would actually be a cool person.

"So I heard you were away spending time with your sister," She smirked.

"Yeah," I spoke.

"So," She raised her eyebrows, "How was it?"

"Fine, why do you care?" I questioned.

"Did you like meet a bunch of famous people?" She asked ignoring my question and attitude. "Like did you meet One Direction and everything."

"Again, why do you care if I did?"

"So you met them?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "I have to get to homeroom." I pushed past her to make my way to the classroom.

"Okay, we can catch up later. Bye MalMal!" I heard her voice shout down the hallway.

MalMal? Is she serious? Does she think she can just magically be my best friend. We can't stand each other. I can't stand her even more now after that. I'm done being used because of my sister and her life.

I walked into homeroom and slid into my usual seat. Rachel entered the room seconds after me and slid into the desk in front of me.

"So! Are you going to prom?" She immediately asked.

"Hello to you too," I said sarcastically. Rachel gave me a grin but motioned for me to answer the question.

I shrugged and sat back in my seat, "I don't know. I won't have a date."

"What about Zayn?" She whispered.

"I can't bring him. I'm mad at him and even if I wasn't mad I couldn't. People would be all over him. We wouldn't have a good time."

"Okay, come with Ryan and I."

"I'm not going to be a third wheel, Rachel. That's no fun."

"Okay, fine! Stay at home and watch movies while a eating ice cream all night. Prom night will be more fun without you," Rachel joked.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her, "We'll see okay."


"Mom!" I shouted when I walked through the door, "Did Mikayla and Zayn leave yet?" I walked into the kitchen to see her cutting coupons. It was a typical sight now a days.

"They're on their way now to say goodbye," She said without looking up.

Mikayla was finally going back to her regular life. She was going to walk the red carpets and sing on stage while I went back to taking tests everyday till I graduated, which was only two weeks away.

I honestly didn't know my relationship with Zayn at moment. I don't know if we're together or not. I don't know it I love him or hate him. I told him to talk to me when he was finished talking with Mikayla. But when will that be?

As I snacked on baby carrots, I heard the garage door open followed by footsteps. I knew exactly who it was.

"Hey mom! Hey Mallory!" Mikayla greeted with a hint of nervousness.

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