Charity Concert

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Chapter Fourteen

"Mikayla, you're flat! Come on!" Nikki shouted at me as I rehearsed my song on stage.

I spent a few more days in London with Zayn until I had to go back to California for the charity concert. Zayn stayed back because he needed time with the boys and family. Which I was fine with. I was finally having time to myself.

"Mikayla, get over here!" Nikki shouted.

Okay, maybe not all to myself. I'm constantly working now. I'm tired and my throat hurts from all these vocal lessons and yet my voice doesn't sound as good as Mikayla's.

I ran over to Nikki who's backstage, "What?" I said with a little attitude.

"Mallory," She whispered so no else heard, "I'm sorry but you're doing terrible today."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"I think you're just going to have to lip sing. You aren't ready to do it live yet."

"Okay that's fine with me." I said.

"Good, now go try on your dress. Oscar couldn't make it today so Kayla's helping you out." Kayla was Oscar's assistant and from what I've heard she wasn't nice. Mikayla can't stand her apparently. Can't wait to meet her.

I walked through the hall and opened the door to my dress room. Kayla was there looking through racks of clothes. She looked back when she heard the door open.

"Good, you're here," She said as she pulled something off the rack, "Here's the dress."

I walked over and looked at the dress in her hands. I stripped out of my clothes and she helped me into the dress.

"Have you gained weight Mikayla?" She mumbled. Kayla was one of the only ones who worked for Mikayla and didn't know I was Mallory. She barely ever comes into work.

I rolled my eyes, "That's something nice to say."

She went to zip up the dress but struggled to, "It's just the dress is so tight. Suck in."

Mikayla had always been thinner than me. I was about a size six when she was always a two. She always has the thigh gap and my thighs constantly rubbed together with each step I took. She had the flat stomach and I had to suck in.

Kayla finally got the zipper up, "Wow, I'm surprised." She muttered.

Now I see why Mikayla hated her.

I turned around to look in the mirror. I hated it. The dress was puffy and sliver. The bust was covered in silver jewels. They glimmered in the light which reflected onto the mirror. The dress was extravagant and I didn't want to wear it.

"Are you serious?" I said.

"What?" Kayla asked.

"Do you see this dress? I'm not wearing this to a charity concert. This a thousand dollar dress. I should be wearing jeans not a dress like this!" I argued.

"It's couture!" Kayla defended although it wouldn't help.

"Exactly! I shouldn't be wearing couture. Are we trying to mock the poor? I'm not wearing this." I walked over to the racks of clothes and filed through them.

"What are you gonna wear then?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Jeans," I said while pulled out denim jeans, "And this button up," I picked out a black button up shirt with sequined collars.

Kayla gave me a disgusted look, "If people ask why you're wearing that, don't blame me. This is all you."

"I'm sure this outfit would work out a lot better then this," I pointed to the dress that was on my body.

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