Birthday Party

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Chapter 24

"Where is the shrimp!?" Mikayla's voice shouted throughout the house.

I trotted down the steps to see half of her make up done and her hair half curled. She was still in her pajamas and so was I. I hadn't even started getting ready for our party that started in two hours. My plan was to just hide out in my bedroom the whole night and hope no one would notice. Although, my mother, Rachel, and Ryan would definitely notice.

"Why hasn't the shrimp arrived?" Mikayla asked stressfully as I reached the last step. I shrugged.

Mikayla's eyes stared at me and then moved downwards then back up to my eyes, "Why haven't you gotten ready yet?"

I shrugged again.

Mikayla let out a sigh and then a groan, "Jesus Christ Mallory, I swear to God if you mess my party up for me you're so dead." She threatened.

"Hey, it's my party too!" I finally said.

"Then act like it!" She growled and pushed past me to get up the steps.

I rolled my eyes although she couldn't see it. I moved myself to the fridge and looked for something to eat. I saw the cake in there and took a swipe of he frosting, licking it off my finger.

"Hello! Birthday girl!" Rachel shouted as she walked into the door. I shut the fridge door and she walked in with Ryan behind her.

Rachel wore a poofy, pink, sparkly dress with black pumps to match. Ryan was dressed in a simple button up and jeans. That boy didn't know how to fully dress up.

"Don't you just love this dress?" She asked when she came into the kitchen.

"It's beautiful, Rachel!" Ryan spoke for me. "Who are you wearing?" He joked.

"It's a one of a kind Betsy Johnson." Rachel smirked. "And who are you wearing, Mr. Kennedy?"

"I'm wearing American Eagle," Ryan stated.


I rolled my eyes playfully at the two, "You guys are crazy. That's not really Betsy Johnson, is it?"

"No, it's from H&M. Why aren't you getting ready?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "I don't know what to wear."

"Oh, it's good thing I came over early. Come on!" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me up stairs. Ryan followed.

Ryan sat back against the pillows on my bed while I sat on the edge. Rachel kicked off her heels, taking at least five inches off her height. She pulled out every dress that was hung up in my closet and laid them out on the floor.

"You've worn all of these!" Rachel said.

"Of course I have. Why wouldn't I?" I responded.

Rachel went back into my closet and pulled out some skirts. I looked back at Ryan who seemed to be so engrossed in his phone so he wouldn't have to participate in this girl time.

"You can't borrow anything from Mikayla?" Rachel sighed.

"I wouldn't want to," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Rachel rolled her eyes, "You're so stubborn." She turned her back to me as she filed through my closet once again. "Whoa, what is this?" She pulled out a black dress that dipped down into the chest with a sheer covering over it.

"Mikayla got for me on our last birthday," I explained dully.

"It's so sexy!" Rachel squealed.

"I'm not wearing it." I stated.

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