Going For A Ride

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Chapter Fifteen

I walked off the plane into the airport with my dad. Sunglasses covered my tired eyes and my body was drowning in a large cardigan. I was exhausted from the flight and from the past few days. The more vocal lessons I had the more my throat seemed to hurt. I was now in vocal rest which is sort of a good thing although performing was a fun experience.

I came back to London to see Zayn once again. My dad dragged me to the airport since I didn't want to leave California. I just wanted to go home and sleep in my own bed. We walked to baggage claim as we waited for Zayn to arrive. I sat down on a bench and scrolled through Twitter on my phone as my dad walked away to talk to Andrea over his. My phone buzzed with a text from Zayn.

Look up

I obeyed the instructions and saw Zayn standing there with his hands in his pockets. I smirked and took my sunglasses off.

"Cute," I said as I stood up.

He walked over to me and embraced me into a tight hug. I didn't return it until he whispered, "We've got an audience," in my ear. I looked outside the windows to see multiple people with cameras and wide eyes. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. I felt his lips kiss my forehead. We pulled away from the little love moment.

"So, you said a few days ago you had a surprise?" I asked him curiously.

A smile came across his face, "Yeah, is your dad ready?"

"Uh, he's talking with Andrea. I really don't want to interrupt." I bit my lip nervously.

"Let's just wait then." He shrugged and went to sit on the bench I was previously sitting on.

I followed and sat next him. Zayn brought his hand over to mine and intertwined our fingers. I looked down at our connected hands and then back to him.

"You may not like me but Mikayla does," He whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and then tightened my grip on his hand. I hesitated at first but then rested my head on his shoulder. It was almost comforting the way we were sitting with each other. His thumb began rubbing against my skin and I closed my eyes. It was just so soothing.

"You're enjoying this aren't you," He chuckled quietly.

I kept my eyes closed and tried to hide my smile, "Noo," I said even though we both knew the real answer.

We waited a few minutes in silence. My dad finally came back and smiled when he saw Zayn beside me. We stood up and they shook hands. I informed my dad about the surprise Zayn had. Zayn led us outside towards the surprise which I thought would be at his home but no it was right there in the airport parking lot.

"You got a car?" I shouted in shock as I stared at the glossy Bentley in front of my eyes.

"Yeah," Zayn chuckled as he smiled proudly at the vehicle.

"You can't even drive!" I said my eyes still locked on the car.

"I got my license!" He pulled out his wallet and flashed me his ID to show proof.

"How'd you get so quickly? It usually takes months." I questioned.

"Special treatment," He winked.

"So should we be trusting you to drive?" My dad spoke up with a smile.

"Yes sir. I'm a good driver."

I laughed, "We'll see. I call shot gun!" I shouted as I ran to the passenger door. I heard the trunk open as they both put our luggage in the back. Soon the driver's side and back door opened. Both Zayn and my dad slid into the car.

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