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What was beyond the walls was astonishing; a large mansion stood there embellished with greenery and yet, the gardens had kitchen counters and utensils adorned all over the patches of grass.
Looking over the mansion in awe, Valentine saw two examiners waiting for them and she studied their appearances.
One was a woman, who didn't bother to put on any proper clothes. All she had on were extremely short shorts and a black bra with a see through net-like shirt on top. Her mint green hair was separated into five pigtails and was tied with a ribbon, shaped like starfish.
A small giggle passed through her pink lips and her golden eyes turned towards the other examiner, observing him.
The second one was; the blonde didn't want to be rude, obese and had straight, midnight black hair and his eyes studied all of the applicants.
'Welcome, I'm Menchi; the examiner for the Second Phase',The woman introduced herself and gestured towards the man beside her,'And that's Buhara, the other examiner who will help me'
A loud rumble echoed through the air and the examiner; Buhara, held his stomach with an embarrassed smile on his face.
'Man, I'm starving',Buhara remarked,'I could eat anything right now'
Blinking quickly, Valentine's lips parted and her eyes widened ever-so-slightly; so that meant only one thing.
Standing up, Menchi placed her hands on her hips and her chest was high with confidence.
'For this year's Second Phase, you'll have to cook!',Menchi explained, her voice echoing throughout the crowd.
Looks of disbelief were shown on the applicants faces and it was clear that barely anyone knew how to cook; none of them were expecting this.
Valentine had thought that the Second Phase would consist of some hand-to-hand combat, along with some survival skills but it appeared that she had been mistaken. But growing up, her mother had taught her the basics of cooking and had even taught her some dishes, but she wasn't a pro-level chef.
Biting her lip, the girl wondered if Menchi would at least accept mainly basic foods.
'You heard correctly, your challenge for the Second Phase is to make a dish that will satisfy our taste buds',Menchi continued to speak, friendly and amiable.