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A group of people surrounded the six and looking around, they all had their defenses up; ready for an attack.

'Don't worry',An man with pink hair spoke up and walked towards them, his hands raised,'We didn't come here to interfere or anything'

'You might say that we're here to assist'

Looking towards them, Gon furrowed his eyebrows together and tilted his head to the side in confusion.

'Wait.. to assist?'

'That's right, if we get the top score on the quiz and obtain the final card, we'll sell it to you for 2.5 Billion',The pink-haired man stated,'That's just five percent of your total reward. A pretty reasonable price, don't you think?'

Narrowing her eyes, Valentine hummed lightly and looked the men up and down, before glancing towards Killua.

Seeing that he glanced towards her as well, the two stared at one another for a moment and then looked back towards the people surrounding them.

'Works for us',The silverette agreed and placed his hands on his hips,'If you guys win'

Looking around, Killua looked at the others and frowned slightly, a small hum leaving his lips.

'Is that why they're all here?',He asked Biscuit,'For the chance to sell us the last card?'

'With the game coming close to the end, they're probably hoping to get some share of the reward money themselves',Biscuit explained,'And it looks to me like they're all planning to take the quiz in teams. So, what should we do?'

Turning around, Biscuit looked towards Gon, Killua, Zeus and Valentine, watching as they all looked towards her with thought-filled looks.

With a small smile forming on his face, Gon tilted his head to the side and gestured between themselves.

'Well, I think that we should do it by ourselves',The boy declared.

Smiling slightly, Valentine turned towards Gon and nodded her head in agreement.

'Yeah and whoever gets the lowest score gets punished'

Feeling a drop of sweat slowly glide down the side of her face, eyes of thunder widened in surprise at hearing the terms and she looked between the two boys, her lips parted in shock.

𝗦𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗦 ➪ 𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗨𝗔 𝗭𝗢𝗟𝗗𝗬𝗖𝗞Where stories live. Discover now