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It was November 1st, the day that Killua, Valentine, Zeus, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika would reunite in Yorknew City.

Currently, the three were walking through the Yorknew market and stalls lined the busy street, containing imported materials, exotic fruits and foods.

It was so crowded that every time they walked, the three bumped shoulders with every pedestrian.

'Wow, look at all of the people!',Gon exclaimed.

Even Zeus couldn't handle the amount of people and he slowly hid his face within locks of blonde, letting out nervous chirps.

He was so used to being around a small group of people and being around a whole crowd, made the young hawk very anxious.

'The whole purpose of this market is to swindle the visitors who've come for the auction',Killua explained.

Confused, Gon looked towards Killua and tilted his head to the side, letting out a hum of curiosity.

'Wait.. so, this isn't the auction venue?',Gon questioned.

Shaking his head, Killua shoved his hands into his pockets and continuously dodged everyone who almost bumped into him.

'No, of course it isn't',Killua stated,'Yorknew's "dream auction" is held once a year in the world's largest auction house. They say that tens of trillions of Jenny exchange hands during only ten days of official bidding'

Shock crossed Gon's face, his mouth dropping open slightly and his eyebrows rose in surprise.

'Tens of trillions? Really?'

With her lips parting, almond shaped eyes; that were like that of opalescent lilies in a lake of celestial maidens, with thin lashes widened in shock and a flabbergasted look painted her face.

Even Zeus's obsidian eyes widened and a shocked screech left his beak.

As Killua began to walk away, Gon and Valentine quickly put back what they were examining, quickening their pace to keep up with the silverette.

'Yeah',He stated,'Something that sells for 10,000 today could go for a hundred million tomorrow. Bam, instant fortune. It's where dreams come true'

Taking in everyone that he said, wide almond-shaped eyes of the sun looked around and everywhere she looked, Valentine saw people paying all sorts of items.

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