I'm sorry..

838 17 20

Hello everyone.. I know you've all been waiting forever for me to update this fanfic, but.. I have sadly lost interest in it. It's become incredibly hard to even think of updating this story and watch episodes just to update it. I've gotten into different fandoms more; such as Demon Slayer, MHA and Jujutsu Kaisen; so watching HxH just to update this story feels more like a task than fun to write such a good story for you guys.

I know a lot of you are going to be very upset and I'm so so sorry that I've made you wait this long only to discontinue it.

It's been almost five months since my last update with this book and I had only written 838 words. Now if you know how I am, then you know that is incredibly terrible for me since I write well over 4- 5,000 words per chapter.

Now like I've said, this isn't the end of Valentine and Killua, it's more of a.. see you later, for now.

I thank you all for your patience and support with this story.

Valentine, Jaxon, Zeus, and pqstels signing off this story for now..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2024 ⏰

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