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Trees blurred and sticks crunched underfoot as the two teenagers rushed through the forest, quickly heading towards where they knew Gon would be.
After all, if one of the Chimera Ants had found them, then they'd surely find Gon and Palm, but they'd be damned if they let anyone hurt them.
Sliding to a stop once they reached a large tree that beautifully sat in the middle of a sparkling lake, Valentine and Killua looked around, noticing their stuff on the ground but they were no where to be found.
Picking up Gon's backpack and looking around, a worried look formed on the blonde's face as she looked up at the silverette, noticing the worry in his eyes as well.
"Do you think that.. another Ant got to them while we were fighting that Chimera Ant?",Valentine questioned and her golden eyes glistened with panic.
Slowly shaking his head, Killua looked around and knelt down, placing his hand on the grass as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.
'I don't sense any around',The silverette reassured her and watched as Valentine's expression softened with relief,'So, that could only mean...'
Cutting himself off, Killua's lips pursed and he grabbed Valentine's hand in his own, gently pulling her with him as they ran back to the hotel.
Quickly rushing to the door, Valentine hurriedly pushed it open and it loudly slammed against the wall, startling the two in the room.
Blinking in shock at the scene in front of them, the blonde's lips parted and a confused noise left her lips as she tilted her head to the side.
Sitting in the middle of the floor, was Gon and he was surrounded by a multitude of papers as Palm stood over him, a dark aura surrounding her body as she glared down at the boy.
Meanwhile, Jaxon was standing in the corner with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows were furrowed, his lips pulled into a frown at the punishment.
Seeing the knife that was tightly held in the woman's grasp, Valentine tensed up and her eyes widened slightly, noticing that Killua had tensed up beside her as well.
'What're you doing?',Killua exclaimed and stepped forward, placing himself in front of Valentine as he stepped closer to them.
But was still close enough to protect her if he needed to.
'What? Can't you tell?',Palm asked and looked down at the silverette, a dark look on her face,'This is his punishment. His punishment for hurting my feelings, that's what!'