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While Killua had went out for a walk, he had run into man who was screaming into a megaphone and the silverette rolled his eyes at the man's words.
'My name is Knuckle Bine and I'm a Beast Hunter! Extermination Team candidates, I challenge you to a duel'
The man's screaming had attracted the crowd's attention and everyone turned towards the man, watching as he screamed into the megaphone so loudly, they were surprised he hadn't lost his voice yet.
'Midnight tonight and don't be late! Fight me fair and square. I won't try to hide or run away, I won't bring weapons or allies. It'll just be me and me alone, so come and fight me okay?!'
One of the civilians watching the scene had his arms crossed over his chest and a small drop of sweat fell down the side of his face.
He hadn't told the people he was yelling for exactly where he would be.
If he was going to fight someone, he had to tell them the exact location he would he and if he didn't, there'd be no point since the person wouldn't know where to find him.
'Bring it on, hear me? A man knows never to turn his back on an enemy!'
As Knuckle was screaming his lungs out, he didn't notice that Killua had walked right by him and the silverette looked up at the sky as the man continued to yell.
'I'm prepared to follow you to the ends of the earth. You won't get away from me!'
Even if the man had explained the location of said fight, Killua wouldn't even show up.
Once he met back up with Valentine and Gon, the four went to lunch as the two sat across from the green-haired boy while Zeus was on the table, eating something he had caught earlier as he hid it within his wing; but the young blonde didn't know what.
It was probably a small rodent, like a mouse or something.
'He's just a decoy',Killua explained,'His partner's probably hiding somewhere. You know, I'm even willing to bet that they're watching to see if anyone reacts suspiciously before they make a move'
With her lips wrapped around the straw in her lemonade, Valentine turned Killua and slowly nodded her head as his beautiful eyes of azure turned her way.
The man was definitely trying to provoke them by calling them cowards and giving them an ultimatum; to either show up and fight or be tracked down and fight.