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Drawing by: my little sister!
"But you ain't even seen my dark side"
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Now that it was Valentine's turn, the Ant's drew lots once more and every single one of them were itching for a fight.
'Number.. eight. Number eight!'
A large, but hunched over, wolf-ant hybrid stalked forward and the crowd of chimera ant's parted as he passed by, lemon yellow eyes blazing with fire as they gazed upon the smaller blonde, sharp canines pulling into an arrogant smirk.
'Tch, so I'm against a little girl, huh? This should be easy'
Raising an eyebrow at his tone, eyes of the sun gleamed with hatred and Valentine slowly tilted her head to the side, her eyes squinting only slightly.
What did he just say?
That she'd be easy.
Letting out a bitter laugh, the young girl slowly shook her head and glared at the beast, anger filling her body.
"I should be the one saying that"
Letting out a low growl of aggravation, the creature rushed forward with a shout and Valentine watched as he grew closer, her eyes beginning to glow a very bright golden hue.
Just as the wolf-chimera ant's arm swung forward, a sharp piercing ring filled the air and her body disappeared in a blurred apparition, causing the ant to let out an irritated noise as he stumbled, before looking around for the girl.