3 words, 8 letters, a fluttering meaning.

301 20 18

Changkyun and hyungwon had been dating for quite sometime now, 3 years specifically. Although they've spent 3 years with each other it's really hard to get Changkyun to say those damn 3 words. After dating for 3 years, you would think the couple would have other goals like getting married, engagement, etc, but for Hyungwon, there's only one goal he wants to achieve... And that's making Changkyun say I love you back.



"I love you,"

"Suddenly?" Changkyun asked confused, Hyungwon pouted and crossed his arms to his chest.

"What do you mean 'suddenly'? You're suppose to say it back."

"Being like a kid again are we chae?"

Hyungwon looked at Changkyun offended before shrugging it off and continued eating his ramen.



The sun hit Hyungwon's eyes as he proceeded to stretch his limbs. Hyungwon wasn't a morning person, like, at all. Infact, he hates mornings, Sun stinging your eyes as soon as you wake up, the noisy alarm, and the thing he hated the most, moving his body. But today he's feeling it. Today is the the day he thought. But when he looked at the other side of the bed he was greeted by an empty space. Changkyun had woken up before he could even make those dumb, romantic, cliché moves. Hyungwon sighed preventing himself to have a tantrum early in the morning.

"Why is love so hard?"

Hyungwon sat up and hit himself with a pillow, questioning his own life.

"What the fuck am I doing with my own life? Minhyuk is out there being a successful children doctor and Jooheon releasing his mixtapes while here I am making my 3 years lover say I love you back to me."

Hyungwon groaned, and slumped back onto the bed having a tantrum early in the morning. Hyungwon sighed, determined that this is gonna be the day even tho he failed at his plan. Before he could even plan another plan Changkyun yelled at.

"Chae Hyungwon get your flat ass over here, breakfast is ready!"

Hyungwon, once again, groaned at the insult throwing another tantrum before going downstairs.

"Good morning, how's your sleep?" Changkyun asked, giving his lover a piece of pancake.

"It's okay I guess. You woke up early today any reasons?"

"We're out of groceries so I'm gonna run errands later, you're coming with me by the way."

Hyungwon pouted, "Do I really have to?"


After having breakfast Changkyun stood up to do the dishing when Hyungwon had another idea. Hyungwon stood up, approaching his lover.

"Whatever the hell you're planning, don't do it." Changkyun said, sensing Hyungwon. Hyungwon ignored Changkyun and wrapped his arms around Changkyun's waist shaking it.

"I love you Changkyun I hope you know that,"

Changkyun dropped the utensils on the sink then faced Hyungwon. Changkyun kissed Hyungwon's forehead then his cheeks.

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