valentine day special

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Hyungwon and Changkyun has been dating for 8 years now. Although, they have been living on the different continent, their relationship is somewhat unbreakable. And the two always made sure to have time for each other. Changkyun is pursuing astrology in america while Hyungwon is pursuing his painting career in Korea. Changkyun would always look at the sky and would always think of Hyungwon. As for the older, he would always paint galaxies to remind him how much Changkyun brighten up his dark, lonely world and how much he loved the other.

"Hi hyung," Changkyun greeted Hyungwon through his laptop.

"Hey, what's up? Why did you call all of the sudden?"

Changkyun pouted, "what do you mean 'why'? Don't you miss me?" Changkyun sulked making the other chuckle.

"Of course I do, I always do. It's just that I get surprised when you're the one who's calling first not me you know." Hyungwon smiled endearingly, although Hyungwon didn't mean it in a bad way, Changkyun felt bad for the other. He doesn't remember how many times he ignored the other's calls and texts because he was busy. And how many times he cancelled his plans to go to korea for their anniversary because of his studies. Although those events are unintentional, he couldn't help but feel guilty about it. There's nights where he would question himself as to why hyungwon is so understanding and if he even deserved him.

Hyungwon noticed how Changkyun became silent after what he said and started to get worried. "Kkung you know I didn't mean it that way right? Whether it's me or you who called, you know I don't mind either way right?"

"Yeah, I know hyung... But I just can't help but to feel guilty you know. I'm sorry if I had ignored your calls and texts before..."

The older giggled, if only Changkyun was beside him he would've showered him with hugs and kisses to reassure him that it's fine and he didn't have to feel guilty, but sadly he wasn't able to do that. So instead he tried his best to put it into words.

"It's fine really, you don't have to be sorry. We both know we would end up like this even before we made it official. It's alright Kkung, it's part of the commitment of loving you." Hyungwon said cringing at his own words.

"Alright... If you say so. Anyway, the real reason I called you is" Changkyun paused lowering his head as he started to feel the guilt consuming him again.

Hyungwon hummed, "go on babe I'm listening."

"Icantgotokoreaonvalentinesdaybecauseschoolisgettingonmynervesandhatemeverymuchimreallysorryiloveyoutho." Changkyun rambled,

"Okay, now say it in human language."

Changkyun sighed, "I said I cant go to korea on valentines day again because school is getting on my nerves and hate me very much im really sorry i love you tho." Changkyun said nervously as he fiddled with his shirt.

"Oh... That's fine I understand." Hyungwon said softly being careful as he didn't want Changkyun to feel guilty again. Even tho he's disappointed he knew he couldn't blame the other, it wasn't his fault, it wasn't anyone's fault.

"Hyung... you always say it's okay but your eyes say otherwise. It's okay to be mad at me hyung."

"No, I'm not mad Kkung, maybe I'm a little disappointed but I'm not mad. Besides it isn't your fault anyway."

Changkyun sighed in relief, "I promise that I'll come next time."

There's a minute of silence before Hyungwon spoke up again, "You know, I haven't been in america before."

Changkyun immediately shook his head as he didn't like where this is going to. "If you're planning to go here instead then don't even think about it. The flight here is too exhausting, I don't want you to get tired."

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