like a flowing wind

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"I need money."

Hyungwon looked at the other with a blank stare, "For what?" He asked before taking out a milk carton in the fridge. Changkyun sighed, looking at his long term boyfriend drink a cup of milk.

"For ki and min hyung's baby shower. I'm attending and I needed new clothes. I told you about this, Did you forget?" Hyungwon shifted to his another pose, leaning on to the counter top. "What's wrong with your other clothes?" Changkyun poked the insides of his cheeks using his tongue in frustration. Hyungwon had promised to give him some money for this, it's his best friend's baby shower! How can he forget!

"Won! C'mon, It's a special occasion! It's for our best friend! Can't you just spend some money?" Hyungwon slams his glass on the counter, looking at changkyun's eyes, anger evident in the way he stared. "Do you work for the money? No! All you do is fucking spend all of it! All. Of. It.! Like hell, I can't even spend money on myself because of the burden I'm carrying that is you! If you wanna buy clothes so fucking much, then work for it! I spend my money on your chemotherapy you stupid piece of shit!"

Changkyun flinched, looking at his boyfriend with tears in his eyes. He has never seen Hyungwon go absolutely ballistic. He understands that he's just tired and all of that, but how could he? "You could've just said no, won. Then this wouldn't have gone this far." Hyungwon replied with a "tsk", "Like you'll stop with that. I know you, I'm Changkyun."

And with that, Hyungwon made his way out of the kitchen to the upstairs to rest. Changkyun ducked his head on his arms, he shouldn't have yelled at Hyungwon first. He was tired, he could've just wait until the morning when he has freshen up. He admits after he has been diagnosed with leukemia, he's become so needy of Hyungwon's love. Which can be entirely okay if it wasn't for the fact that Hyungwon is working so much for him to recover and he isn't helping at all. He's becoming a brat and Hyungwon is enduring it and he just snapped today. Yes! That's it. Don't over think. He keeps on telling himself.

He sighs, tired of thinking what he can possibly do to make the situation better. He gets off the stool then turned off the lights and headed upstairs to their bedroom. He opened the to see Hyungwon's sleeping figure. He closed the door then quickly climbing across Hyungwon. He sits up, looking at Hyungwon with a frown on his face.

He croutches down and places a kiss on Hyungwon's forehead, "You worked hard today, please forgive me. I love you." He says, shedding a tear. He lays down, his back facing Hyungwon's back.


"I need money."

Hyungwon looked at his boyfriend, Changkyun. Already know this conversation won't end well. "For what?" He asked before drinking his glass of milk. "For ki and min hyung's baby shower. I'm attending and I needed new clothes. I told you about this, Did you forget?" Shit. He totally forgot. He promised Changkyun that he'll buy him clothes. He leans onto the counter,"What's wrong with your other clothes?"

"Won! C'mon, It's a special occasion! It's for our best friend! Can't you just spend some money?" He admits that he's been saving money too much these days, but it's for the best! Changkyun might be hospitalized. He's just preparing for the worst. But he didn't needed to be yelled at right after he just came home from an exhausting day in work. He's tired, no, exhausted. He didn't need this. He slams his glass on the counter, surprised at his own actions.

"Do you work for the money? No! All you do is fucking spend all of it! All. Of. It.! Like hell, I can't even spend money on myself because of the burden I'm carrying that is you! If you wanna buy clothes so fucking much, then work for it! I spend my money on your chemotherapy you stupid piece of shit!"  He blurted out without thinking and letting his anger wash over him. It wasn't after he saw Changkyun flinched that he realized what he has said. "You could've just said no, won. Then this wouldn't have gone this far." He replied with a "tsk", "Like you'll stop with that. I know you, I'm Changkyun." He hated being like this, but after being worked the soul out of him, he couldn't control himself anymore.

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