❛ you could never hurt me, I just feel you. ❜

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"You can't go out alone, you just can't. Please won, just don't."

Hyungwon ignored his boyfriend as he continued to gather weapons. "If I don't, then minju won't survive tonight. You know i have to Changkyun. It's for our baby."

Changkyun sighed, he knew he was right and he knew hyungwon would be going dispite his efforts of pursuading him. "Are you sure you're good alone?"

Hyungwon stopped what he was doing, looked at his concerned boyfriend, "I'm going to be fine. You don't need to worry."

Changkyun turned away and looked at their baby, "I just don't want the same thing happening again. Won, i just can't you know. I've watched everyone die. I've lost everything, you and minju are the ones i have in my life."

Hyungwon sighed, approaching his lover, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Nothing will happen to me."

Changkyun faced the other, tears threatening to fall, "You'll come back to me alive and well, right?"

Hyungwon nodded, "i will."

It was already a year since the zombie outbreak. Hyungwon and Changkyun weren't originally together before it all happened. Hyungwon came across Changkyun and his baby when his husband was killed due to a zombie bite. Changkyun was forced to shoot the love of his life and he was forced to watch him die. He promised to his husband that he'll watch over their adopted baby. Pain washed through Changkyun, overwhelming him that he almost shot himself and his baby. But that's when Hyungwon came into the picture. Instead of walking past the commotion, he decided to help. Ever since then Hyungwon and Changkyun had been fighting beside each other. They fell in love and got together. Hyungwon was there when Changkyun couldn't do anything. He was always there for him. And now that they have passed through a lot of hardships, he wasn't ready to lose Hyungwon just yet.

Hyungwon left the house they were staying at, looking back at the house, praying that he'll come back in one piece for his boyfriend and child, "I'll be back." He whispered,

He then continued to walk towards the road, luckily, it was empty. He walked fast but not fast enough to create a loud noise. Zombies were sensitive to sound, when they hear just a distinct loud noise, you're dead.

Not long after, Hyungwon came across a pharmacy. He took out his flashlight shining it through the glass of the store, nothing. He calmly opened door using his shoulders, a flashlight in one hand and an axe on the other.

Clearing the store, he swiftly took all of the edible food left and put it inside his bag, he then walked towards the counter for medicine. When he was about to reach for the medicine, he heard thumps.

He was quickly alerted, holding his axe firmly. Five zombies came out of the staff room, walking towards him. Hyungwon took off his bag, approached the zombies then swung his axe over their heads. Zombies weren't fast or smart, but when you dont act fast, you're gonna get barbecued.

Hyungwon quickly took the medicine, put it inside his bag. But he didn't realize that someone was approaching him in the process. Hyungwon was tackled to the ground by a zombie dressed in uniform.

Adrenaline rushed as he quickly held its bony shoulders, keeping it to get closer. But the zombie was big, it leaned down to try and bite his neck but he refrained him by pushing it forehead using his hand. After successfully getting it to move its face away, his hand slipped, landing on its mouth. Hyungwon hissed at the pain. He felt burning on his hand as the creature ripped a flesh away. but the rush of adrenaline made him forget he was bitten. He kept his hand on its mouth as he reached for his axe. When he finally got ahold of it, he quickly swung the axe over its neck. He pushed the dead body as he stood up, grabbed his bag and ran out of the store.

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