bewildered by you

134 7 15

Changkyun and Hyungwon has a unique relationship. They're not lovers, they're not just friends and they're not strangers either. Neither of them know what their relationship is supposed to be. Sure, the two like each other but they don't really consider themselves as lovers. There's a common question for them, 'if you like each other, why not just date?' Well the answer is not really clear. You see Changkyun likes Hyungwon so much well no, not just like, he LOVES Hyungwon and same goes for the other. But the thing is, Hyungwon hasn't gotten over his last heartbreak. He got his heart broken by a man called Minhyuk. No tea or drama really happened. It was just a normal break up caused by falling out of the state of love. Well that was only Minhyuk, Hyungwon loved Minhyuk to the point where he would give everything up just to be with him. Maybe Hyungwon gave too much up and now, he can't find a reason to be in a relationship anymore.

Hyungwon and Changkyun were hanging under a tree at the han river. Hyungwon's head on Changkyun's lap, holding hand, appreciating each other's beauty. No, it's not a date if that's what you're thinking. Well maybe it is, it's uhm, a friendly date as they like to call it.

"Hyung, what are we?" Changkyun asked while pushing one of hyungwon's stray hair to his ear.

"I don't know kkung... Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing. You know it's just kind of confusing. It's also annoying to keep reminding people that no, we aren't dating and we're not just friends either." Changkyun said, Hyungwon giggled while sitting up and holding Changkyun's hand.

"Well it's better not to put a label for now." Changkyun hummed in understandment.

"I just hope that someday it'll be clearer you know. I don't want this confusion to go on forever. And I definitely don't wanna call you a friend forever."

"Of course you won't. Maybe some day we can make it official. But just not now, I'm not ready yet. Just remember that I like you kkung."


It's been a few months since that day, and boy did it became more confusing. Before that day ended, Hyungwon gave changkyun a delicate kiss that made him conflicted. Yes, Hyungwon do like him but the question is, does Hyungwon like Changkyun as much as Changkyun likes him? Does Hyungwon love him? Because like and love are two different things. All of those questions just runs around his head. The answer is still hiding, and it isn't coming out anytime soon.

Changkyun's friends, Kihyun and Jooheon notices Changkyun silence during their whole lunch break. The younger seems to be in a swarm of thoughts. And even tho Changkyun denies it, it's pretty clear that it's about his love interest again.

"Just pressure him to give you a clear answer Changkyun-ah. Because in the end, both of you will just regret it when one of gets tired of waiting." Kihyun spoke up saving Changkyun from getting drowned by his thoughts.

"I don't want to hyung... Hyungwon is going through some tough stuff and I don't want to put more weight in his shoulders. Besides, if I do love him, I'll wait right? I shouldn't get tired." Changkyun said, Kihyun swore he wanted to slap senses to the other but he knows even if he did, his dongsaeng had fallen deep and it would be hard to get him up on his feet again.

"What about you then? Kkung, I understood what you mean but my point is, I know that you're hurting and confused. I just don't want that to go on you know. You shouldn't give all your time just for one man. Try meeting other people Kkung. Maybe you'll find the right person." Jooheon said, this just made Changkyun to question himself even more. Should he try and meet other men or should he just wait for Hyungwon? Is it even worth it to wait for him? The nights where he couldn't sleep because of the confusion, was it worth it? A thousand questions left unanswered leaving Changkyun confused as fuck.

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