you brighten up my dark world

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(note: the bold letters means they're communicating by sign language. There's a lot of time skip in this story so please bear with me.)


Changkyun was born in a family full of deaf and mute people. People would give them sympathy and pity because of it. Changkyun never really had a friend in his life due to his circumstances. No, because people thought he was deaf himself. Changkyun was born normal like everyone else but he was forced to act like he was deaf and mute due to society's view of their family. If the world sees them as the pitiful family that can't hear and talk, then that's what changkyun will be. Well that is until he met Hyungwon. Hyungwon was different from the others. After he had transferred to his school he was always trying to get close to Changkyun by inviting him on his lunch table whenever he is alone, treating him food after school and even going as far as learning sign language for him. Although he knows it's wrong to keep it from Hyungwon, he liked the attention he was giving him. He felt special and loved.

"Hi Changkyun!" Hyungwon greeted him with biggest and brightest smile.

"Hello hyung, what are you doing here?" Changkyun asked, Hyungwon giggled and scratched the back of his neck.

"I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me and my friends today. We're going out to swim!"

"Ah, sorry hyung I'm not really comfortable with other people yet. You go and have fun hyung." Hyungwon shook his head furiously,

"That's okay, we can hang out instead, just the two of us. We can eat ice cream."

"But your friends..." Hyungwon smiled again, "it's alright, you're so much more special to me." Hyungwon said without thinking about anything he just said. Changkyun freaked out when he heard that, he was blushing furiously.

"What's that?" Changkyun managed to say, too flustered to even look at the other in the eye. Hyungwon frowned at this, 'I shouldn't have done that. Now he thinks I'm saying something else.' he thought. Hyungwon cupped Changkyun's face so the younger can look at him, when changkyun looked at him he removed his hands and formed another sentence.

"Sorry Changkyun, sometimes I forget that you can't hear me. I'm sorry... You don't have to feel insecure tho, I just said that I can call my friends and tell them I can't go. Please don't worry." There he was again, making him feel special. Changkyun told himself multiple times that it was because he wanted to be close friends, but Changkyun didn't mean to be lost in hyungwon's eyes, he didn't mean to forget everything else in the world when hyungwon smiles, he didn't mean to secretly ask for more when he touched him, he didn't mean to long for hyungwon's presence whenever he is alone, he didn't mean to fall in love with Hyungwon, he didn't mean it. 'What are you doing to me Chae Hyungwon?'


t was winter break changkyun was alone. This wasn't his first Christmas alone but it made him ten times more alone maybe because he was expecting Hyungwon to spend it with him. But he shouldn't have hoped for it because a week before winter break Hyungwon came running to him with an apologetic look.


"Ah, Changkyun-ah I'm so sorry I know I told you I was gonna spend Christmas with you, but my family is having a trip to gwangju, and we won't be coming back till january 2. I'm really really sorry, this wasn't meant to happen."

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