Chapter 8: Meet Senaro Akira

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"It seems like she(Hugo) can't see the the tentacle that grabbed me" Dio thought to himself. His plan was if to jump attack the guy whoever dragged him down "Still won't give up do you?! WRYYYYYYY" But as he tried attacking his body suddenly becomes weak. His mind starts flying around and he lost control of his body. Soon he lost consciousness.

It was a moment of silence where Dio regains his consciousness. It was all dark and all. He can't move at all. it felt like his eyes were shut even if it's wide open. "Oyy mate! WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS ALL ABOOT?" Dio moved aggressively on the chair he was tied on. "A-nis a-nis chan eil feum air a h-uile tàmh, tha mi dìreach mar neach-leantainn an seo gus stuth iarraidh ort sir Diego Brando (Translation from Scots Gaelic: Now now no need for all the fuss, I'm just a fan here to ask you some stuff sir Diego Brando)"  He heard a sound of shoes clacking coming closer to him. They opened his blind fold and grinned.

The same blue hair with red ends grinned cockily at him. She began speaking "Hello sunshine *boops nose* Aren't you a cute one, glad I found you" She squished his cheeks. "I know I'm cute but what kind of sick twisted joke is this?".  "Silly British Jock. Isn't it obvious? I want knowledge and power, gaining fame. Isn't that just everyone's ultimate dream? With your stats it'll do all for me. Just sit back and watch me do my things. This is pretty straight forward but for the sake of my lab, there will be a high chance of you being dead" She pat his head. "Oh so it's that kind of kink? Pet kink freak" He laughed. She laughed along with him "Oh you're so funny, too bad you'll be a dead man and you can't change my mind"

"Are you sure about it?" Dio smirked. "I am certain of it" Her throat seems to say otherwise as she leaned closer giving the cocky smirk. Dio's short brain mode crossed his mind. He wanted to change her mind without too much effort of speaking. He gather all his courage and his weight to push himself forward to her. And as foolish as this is, he aimed for her lips and pressed it. Slipped a tongue in once or twice just to make sure if she'll feel the guilt after kissing him. 

She held his leaning chair avoiding him from falling but her eyes widen when she saw Dio pressed his lips against hers. "His lashes are beautiful, the way his hair is sticking out is irresistible. What is this mockery? What am I thinking?" She pulled away from him making him fall on his face. A bruise probably formed on his forehead and he chuckled. "You should've seen your face, you were so cute" He lied with his slick words to make her blush even more. "Y-you're lying you d*ckhead! Stop smirking!" She crouched to the ground grabbed him by the hair so she can insult while beginning to inspect his features. 

"What? you missed how my beautiful face looks? Consider yourself lucky that not all fans gets a free kiss from I Dio!" "Oh am I? well then I'll stop wasting my time on you then, even if it's worth it" She stood up and walked away from him. Dio attempted to knock her out with his tail as she's walking away but he didn't see it coming. Her speed wasn't as compatible as his but what he saw was a tentacle slapping him. It didn't felt like anything or more like a weightless punches. He thought it was nothing but he underestimated that. His body was on the ground yet he felt like he was floating. The same type of feeling when he fell from the cliff. 

"Is this her stand ability? What the f*ck is this feeling. Am I drunk? I can't control my body" Diego rapidly blinks hoping he'll regain consciousness In between blinks. "Choap choap a' body ye kin begin assessing this cutie" The girl smiled and bit her knuckles holding her blush in. "Dinna fash yirsel ye wilnae juist die yit (Don't worry, you'll not just die yet). We'll git tae see eachother again afore ah warn ye"

Hours and hours later Diego woke up in an empty room with no visible doors. On his right wrist was a tattoo that seemed to be a label for one of the Girl's test subject. "Horny motherf*cker have the audacity to tattoo down 069 yikes" He tried wiping off the tattoo on his wrist but it just gave him a rash. "Test subject number 069 Miss Akira would like to speak to you personally, please behave" One of the workers said. "Forget what he said, you don't have to behave around me tell me everything you know and I'll listen to you hun" She said through the microphone.

"I do have a question but wow you are so determined to kill me for powers. Just who are you anyways?" He asked. "Oh silly me. Forgive my rudeness but I am Senaro Akira.  My parents are Dinosaur researchers, you probably understand where I took my interest from. Their research about Velociraptors was so detailed, so delicate yet, they failed miserably from tough competitor. Their popularity rate was so underrated. Long story short, bankrupt and sweet mafia deals. And you'll be my golden ticket"  "Well at least you have a logical reason to kill me" He sat down the corner of the room. "What are you going for?" She asked. 

"It's very personal" He said. "I OPENNED UP TO YOU AND YOU ARE KEEPING A SECRET?!" Her tone changed. "What's in it for me if you're not gonna help?" He asked. "We can build up trust and I don't know what I'm gonna do with you later" She said. "You know who Lisa Lisa is?" "The Vatican Lady has no correlation with the lab and so does the test subject. You will not be permitted to talk with her in any ways, not even the Vaticans will allow you" She said .

"I'm bored now let's just spice things up and take your flesh samples shall we?"

Hugo's POV

I need to go back and help him but I can't, it's too risky. The sun sets quickly and the night washed over the sky and it's my perfect chance to find him. I took Marco with me and ran around the desert to find him. Could it be the trap door over there?

To be continued------------>

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