Chapter Five:

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"We could be weightless
Like birds in the night
Wherever we go
Set the world on fire
We could be the darkness
Breaking across the sky
If I lose you on the border line
I'll see you on the other side"

The Otherside- Birdy

No matter how perfect things may seem, there are bound to be missteps along the way.
Meliodas had learned this lesson many times before. But it never stuck, he was always a stubborn demon.

But this time, the heavens would make sure he knew his place. This time the young demon prince would learn that no matter how powerful he may be, he isn't strong enough to defy fate.

"Come on, this time you're going to come with me to see the city." Meliodas smiles while Azrielle continues to shake her head.

"I would rather wait here. People frighten me-" Meliodas let's put a tisk, cutting off her usual excuse.

Two years of traveling meant they had stumbled upon many cities.

She did fine when they passed through villages, so he knew that it wasn't the prospect of people that scared the young woman anymore."

He had a theory though.

"Listen, this city is about to have a festival-"

"What's a festival?"

"It's a large gathering. People come together to eat good food, drink, and play games. You'll love it!"

"I-I don't think-"

"If anything happens you know I'll protect you, Angel. I can destroy any of those walls"


"So to finally put an end to the Holy Knights' corruption, Elizabeth is on a quest to locate the Seven Deadly Sins." Meliodas finishes explaining the unpleasant circumstances we are now in. Not to mention the dangers lurking throughout the Kingdom.

"I didn't know about that..." Diane begins to pout to herself, a child-like youth shining in her demeanor. It's rather nice to see it, and extremely difficult for me to imagine the rampage she just went on as she sits before us now.

"I'm always jumping to conclusions." Lady Diane huffs, "Forgive me. I'm also sorry that I tried to eat you, piggy." I chuckle as Hawk begins shouting, "You think that makes it all right?! You stuffed my belly full of fruit and burned up my backside!"

"Calm down Hawk, I'm sure the fruit was yummy and I can heal you."

The sudden feeling of both wrath and envy fill the air, causing me to immediately look back towards Lady Diane's heated gaze.

Her moods change like the weather.

"All of this still doesn't explain who you are."

"Oh, please excuse my rudeness. I am-"

"This lovely lady is known as Angel." As soon as the words leave Meliodas's lips, Diane stands in preparation to fight.

"Why would you bring her along?! She's supposed to be our enemy!" Diane's fear is evident, only causing me to shy away. I would have liked to give her my real name first, maybe then she wouldn't be upset.

I had no idea any of the Sins would be scared of me. But then again, the Holy Knights have likely spread so many horrid rumors about my powers...

"Chill. She's harmless, see." Meliodas begins groping me again, causing Diane to squash him once more.

My cheeks heat up and I chuckle, "I came to help them find the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins. I have no dishonorable intentions." I quickly bow in respect. Diane glares at me for a moment longer, her suspicion not seeming to let up.

"It's true. Lady Arielle is very kind and generous. She would never do anything to harm any of us!" Elizabeth jumps to my aid, the tender-hearted Princess shaking under Diane's scrutiny.

"So, will you help us?" Meliodas asks, recovering from his beating. rather quickly.

"Well, if you're sure that you aren't involved with either of them- I'll come along with you." Diane stands to her full height once again, "You'll have the help of the Serpent Sin of Envy. The giant Diane!"

"Really that's great."

"Thank you for joining us, Lady Diane!" Elizabeth smiles brightly as she reaches another step in finding all of the Sins.

"But get this straight," Elizabeth and I both jump at her sudden change in demeanor, "I'm only helping out because of the Captain."

I feel myself laughing nervously at the tension she spews. Poor Diane, she really likes the captain...

"Oh thank goodness," We all turn to see the Hide n' Seek's peeking from behind a rock, "We can finally live in peace again!"

"She's been threatening us for years, saying she'd go on a rampage if we didn't shelter her!"

"They can be free now- so beautiful." I giggle softly while turning back Elizabeth, "Congratulations on reaching another step in your journey."

"Thank you, Lady Arielle, your kind words and guidance has helped me here." I feel my cheeks heat up tremendously at the compliment, my voice stuttering to respond.

It is then that a sudden shift in the forest causes us all to alert. The sound of a crow echoes through the normally silent mist, a bad omen for any situation.

"That's strange. I thought there weren't any animals left who lived in this part of the forest."

"I smell rain..." Hawk warns while we all gaze at our surroundings.

Thunder cracks in the sky, causing hair to raise on the back of my neck. A strike of lightning shoots down, encasing all of us in electrical bondage.

My eyes widen and I quickly look up to check on Princess Elizabeth and Hawk.

"Are you two okay?"

"Mhmm." Elizabeth's face looks pained, but she shows no sign of harm. The electricity hums around me, but it feels more like a warning than a real threat. Whoever is doing this is skilled, either at fighting or deception.

I quickly turn to see a Holy Knight walking towards us. His face, however void of emotion, is masking great sorrow.

The feeling of despair causes my own power to flare up, challenging any sin nearby. I bite my lip and look away quickly as my eyes begin to glow.

I can't do this here, especially not in front of our enemy. Especially not in front of Meliodas.

"It would seem we meet at deadly sins."

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