Chapter Seven:

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"I'm not innocent
But I'm more than where I've been
It's time I must ascend
Out of my prison
Laying down my past I scream
This is not the end of me
Fight it like an enemy
Time to bury it or me"

Origin- Besomorph

Meliodas made sure to be quick about pulling Azrielle away. Only, he didn't stop. The blonde was heading for the castle gates, as quickly as possible.

He didn't think about it before. It had been so many years ago-

They were back where they first met. The fog-ridden forest was only half a day's walk from this castle.

And Angel, much like Meliodas, had not seemed to age in their time together. Twenty years is a long time for a human. But for him, it didn't seem that long at all.

"What's the matter, Meliodas? Did we forget something?" Her soft and innocent voice only quickened his heart.

If his hunch was right then Azrielle was in danger here. And Meliodas was not about to let anything happen to her, physically or emotionally.

"Yeah, I forgot something important back in the woods. We should hurry."


Elizabeth sits next to me, passing me some water as I try to recover some mana. At least enough so that Meliodas will let me tend to his wounds.

"That Holy Knight bastard will pay for this." Hawk snorts from beside me.

"Now now, all is still well. You feel better don't you?" I ask while smiling down at the pig.

"My honor still must be avenged!" I giggle at the pig's declaration before tilting my head towards Elizabeth, the Princess looking rather upset.

"Is it true you knew that guy?" Hawk suddenly questions.

"Yes," She begins slowly, "Gilthunder was originally my older sister Margret's guard. He was like a big brother and looked after me as if I were his own sister. He continued to serve us even after the death of his father, who was the Holy Knights' grandmaster at the time."

I feel her sadness and my own heart clenches as she is no doubt sifting through the past events. All the things he had done to that village, and what he said in the forest...

Elizabeth's sudden gasp causes me to flinch, "It can't be! Was father arrested by..."

I place my hand on Elizabeth's causing the princess to look up into my glowing eyes.

"It's going to be okay, no need to get too worked up. We will get to the bottom of this, and we will save your father along with the rest of the kingdom. You have my word."

The princess visibly relaxes while I offer a tired smile, "When we were in the forest that man was giving off a strange aura. He didn't seem malicious despite his actions, there is more going on here than what we can see." I slowly stand up, feeling a bit better now.

"Where are you going?" Hawk snorts as he begins to trot with me.

"I know Meliodas told me not to worry, but I can't leave him injured."

As I walk outside I see Meliodas jumping from Lady Diane's shoulder and back onto Hawk's mom, "Alright. I've decided."

"Aw, you could've kept riding on me." I giggle softly while walking over to Meliodas, him taking a noticeable step away from me.

Cheeky bastard, just accept my help.

"First up, we should go to Baste Prison and grab Ban!"

As Diane cheers and Hawk begins to interrogate Meliodas I walk over to him, "Sir Meliodas?"

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