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"d-do you want me to leave? I'll leave if-"

Taehyung's hold tighten on his hand shaking his head. "help me" he whispered.

'But the others what if they hear- but wait, so what I got head on the plane and everyone heard me, what difference does it make now?'

Jungkook slid his hand out of his grasp and under the robe. Taehyung watched him as his heart rate began to fasten. 'Okay, it's almost like jerking off nothing new'

Jungkook's cold finger tips slid down to Taehyung's thigh. "If I pull too hard just tell m-" Taehyung muted him by placing his lips over his. Jungkook kissed back as his hand slid back up inching closer to Taehyung's member.

His index finger slightly grazed against it making Taehyung whine. Jungkook could tell he was painfully hard so he slowly wrapped his whole hand around it. He grazed his thumb over the tip feeling pre cum dripping, he spread it around so it would be easier for him to move his hand. They were still both messily making out so Taehyung backed away to catch his breath. He gasped as he felt Jungkook moving his hand.

Jungkook's hand was now wet with pre cum as it kept dripping so he started to move his hand a bit faster. Taehyung bit his bottom lip to prevent any loud sounds but failed when Jungkook started to use his mouth instead.

'A blowjob is better than a handjob'

"jungkook~" Taehyung whimpered as he spread his legs farther to give him space. "hmm" Jungkook replied back sending waves of pleasure, Taehyung ran both of his hands through Jungkook's soft locks.

Then, Jungkook brought his head up leaving long wet stripe of saliva. Taehyung threw his head back trying to let out small moans but failed, then Jungkook wrapped his hand around the base and started to swirl his tongue around the tip.

Taehyung gasped loudly gripping onto the bed sheets now. "F-fuck" he choked out. Jungkook removed his hand and continued to suck him.


"Hey Jihyo! Where is Jungkook and Tae?" Hoseok asked noticing her coming alone. "Uh they're both still sleeping" She lied sitting down and grabbing herself a plate. "But we have a concert, Taehyung should be up" Hoseok said about to leave the kitchen but was stopped by a hand.

"They're busy... if you know what I mean" Jihyo whispered making Hoseok gasp. "Nasty! They better not sit with us when they're finish"

"I'm sure they won't be hungry, where is the rest weren't you getting them?" Jihyo asked. Hoseok shook his head "No? I thought you were, but it's fine I'll go wake them up"

"Alright, I'll set up everyone a plate" Jihyo said making her way back to the huge table.


"Fuck~ J-Jungkook I'm close" Taehyung moaned arching his back, Jungkook backed away making a pop sound. "You're what?" He teased. "Jungkook!" Taehyung whined "don't do this to me please" he teared up.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you" Jungkook kept teasing, "please it hurts" Taehyung thrusted his hips trying to get some type of friction.

"Since you asked so nicely I'll continue" Jungkook said going back to blowing him. Every time he went down he made sure the tip hit the back of his throat making him gag a little.

The sound sent a vibration making Taehyung moan loudly and spilling his load into Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook backed away with cum dripping down his chin. "Wow, that was quick" he coughed. "Shut up" Taehyung covered his face.

Jungkook chuckled before leaning down and giving him a kiss. "You're so pretty baby" he complimented.

"nooo don't start" Taehyung blushed covering his face even more. "I don't get a kiss?" Jungkook pouted as he received a no. "Why not baby?"

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