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"Fuck you're so big!" The earbud moaned into Jungkook's right ear, "See Jungkook, notice how he slowly slides in not to hurt him" Yoongi explained showing him gay porn. Jungkook was bright red and felt his whole body burning with embarrassment, but no one noticed since it was dark in the van and were heading back to the hotel. They both had headphones on so the other two in the front wouldn't hear.

"Y-yes hyung, I-I think that's enough" he stuttered about to take the earbud out. "What!? But this is only the beginning, watch when he starts moving" Yoongi whispered.

'Oh god!'

The man's hips started to move, making the other male moan even more. 'T-Those moans are kinda hot NO!! Ew no! They sound terrible... fuck fuck please don't tell me I'm getting a boner'

'Faster daddy!' The male moaned out and the man's hips started to move faster now ramming him. 'S-shit that's kinda hot too... b-but why Daddy?'

Jungkook bit his bottom lip now growing a tent in his pants. The man slapped the male's ass making him gasp. 'Oh fuck that shit jiggled'

Jungkook whip out the earbud from his ear. "Hyung! I've learned enough"

"Okay good, tomorrow's lesson will be about teasing" Yoongi said shutting off his phone. 'He's gonna leave the video like that?'

"Okay" Jungkook murmured ignoring what Yoongi said and looked down at his pants which he couldn't see at the moment since it's too dark. 'How are we going to remove this? Cold bath? Taehyung's mouth? Or jerk o- TAEHYUNG'S MOUTH!! WHAT IN THE STRAIGHT WORLD DID I JUST SAY!???'

The tent is Jungkook's pants grew even bigger thinking about Taehyung's head bobbing up and down on his member.

'HE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!! For fucks sake he's going to be sleeping with me tonight... oh sleeping with me tonight huh? WAIT NO NO STOP THINKING LIKE THAT UGH! Fuck you Min Yoongi. Okay I'll just take a cold bath no problem'

Jungkook tried to think of disgusting disturbing stuff for example: Veronica, and boy did his tent start to go away slowly but his mind kept being filled up with Taehyung. 'Stop thinking about him!! He's your boss, and your friend and you wouldn't like him going back to his old self right!? Right! So stop thinking about him and act like friend, a bodyguard, and not a pervert also think like one too, and on top of that you're not gay'

"Finally we're here!" Taehyung groaned as the van stopped. 'Wait my boner!!'

"Hurry up bunny boy" Yoongi said. 'They're all gay if they ever look down at my problem' Jungkook thought as he stepped out the van. 'Wait shit!! THEY ARE GAY!!'

Jungkook panicked while holding the van door open. 'Okay it's night no one will see' he let go of the door once everyone came out. "Namjoon! Come over here" Yoongi called out putting a hand around Jungkook's shoulder, Namjoon quickly walked over to them.

'Mr.Min you have Jimin? Why are you trying to get at Jungkook too? What a hoe' Taehyung rolled his eyes watching them from behind.

"What?" Namjoon asked, "I showed the bunny boy some gay porn" Yoongi said. 'He showed what now!?'

'Why the fuck is he so loud'

"Could you keep it do-"

"Holy shit!! Was it hot? Did you like it? Did it turn you on?"

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