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"Mr.Jeon! I'm very disappointed in you" The tall man who was in his 40s shook his head sitting behind the desk. "Sir please! I did nothing with her, she came on to me" Jungkook tried to defend himself but of course his boss didn't believe a word coming out of his mouth.

"My daughter would never, men like you always disgust me always trying to get with my daughter" the old man scoffed and stood up. "Please get your things and leave, you're fired"

Jungkook's heart dropped down to his stomach. Tears begging to enter his eyes but he held them back. "S-sir please me gave me another chance" Jungkook choked out. "I gave you this job to keep me protected! Not to fuck around with my daughter. Now please leave before I call security" The man pointed at his door.

"Sir! You're daughter was close to raping me" he cried out. "Okay, get the fuck out I'm dumb playing your little fucking games this is the second time Jeon second time! And yet nothing has changed" the old man shouted spitting a little.

"She drugged me the first time!!" Now Jungkook couldn't hold his tears in. Before the old man could reply the door opened "Daddy I want a new car" a high pitched voice said. Jungkook turned his head towards the door and saw the old man's daughter. 'Fucking bitch making me lose my job'. Jungkook held himself back from cursing her out.

"Sweetie I'm dealing with something right now, I'll be out in a minute" The old man's voice tone changed from being rough and cold to being soft and calm. "No! I want it now!" The young lady stomped her foot. 'For fucks sake you're 25 stop acting so childish it doesn't look good on you'.

"Veronica please darling I'm almost finished" The old man replied. "Fine! Also I want Mr.Jeon to be my personal bodyguard" she crossed her arms. Jungkook's breath hitched and looked away from her immediately. 'Oh god fuck no! No no no!'

"Sweetie didn't you say he was sexually harassing you?" The man looked at her confused. "He was, but I'm willing to give him another chance" She grin. Jungkook could feel her eyes staring at him, he cleared his throat in discomfort and looked down.

"Alright Jeon listen up, I am willing to give you another chance but this time you're not guarding me, if you ever and I mean EVER touch my daughter in any disgusting way I will press charges you hear me!!" The old man clenched his jaw.

'No no! I don't wanna be with her... who fucking knows what she'll do to me' Jungkook cried inside his head. He cleared his throat once again and looked up making eye-contact with his ex boss "Sir you fired me, I am no longer working under you, now excuse me I'm going to be grabbing my stuff and be leaving. Thank you for your time Sir I appreciate it, goodbye" He bowed and left the room with a deep sigh.

'Fuck man! I lost my job because of that fucking slut'

"Mr Jeon!" He heard Veronica's voice. He walked a little faster trying to reach his room. "Mr.Jeon please wait" He heard her voice again but a little further away. He started to jog down the hall knowing she won't catch up.

He passed by a couple rooms and finally made it to his. He opened the door and locked it in case Veronica's thirsty ass is still after him. Jungkook walked towards his closets and opened it seeing nothing but suits and a couple of shoes. He didn't have a lot of things since he lived with his mother and slept here only when he knew he couldn't make it back home.

He started to shove everything in a bag letting his emotions out as he shoved things. He was mumbling a couple things to himself as he put his shoes inside the bag. Then the door knob started to rattle breaking his thoughts.

"Mr Jeon~" he heard a voice sing. He knew it was Veronica but didn't reply. "Come on baby leaving so soon, please open up"

"Fuck off Veronica" he spat zipping up his bag and looked around the room making sure he wasn't missing anything. "Baby don't talk to me like that" He could hear her pout which made him even more annoyed. Once he made sure nothing wasn't missing he grabbed his bag and put it over his shoulder.

"Baby please open-" Jungkook opened the door seeing Veronica. "Don't Call me that" he rolled his eyes and pushed past her. "Jeon please stay"

Jungkook ignored her and made his way towards the exit. "I'll have you running back to me Jeon" he heard her shout before walking outside the building. Jungkook scoffed 'she doesn't even know my first name'

He made his way towards his car unlocking it. He got in the drivers seat and drove off to home.
"Jungkook? Is that you?" He heard his mother's voice when he open the door. "Yes mom" he replied and closed the door walking around the house looking for his mother.

"Why so early?" She asked once Jungkook finally found her. In her bedroom laying down on the bed with a mask on scrolling through her phone.

He sighed and dropped his bag on the floor. He sat down on the bed and looked at his mother. "Mom I'm sorry" he whispered. "What happened? What's going on?" She shut off her phone and sat up.

"I got fired" his eyes teared up but he tried blinking them away. He heard her gasp "Why? What the hell did you do?"

"Nothing! That slut ruined everything!!" He whispered shouted.

"fucking bitch" he heard his mother mumble. "What the hell did she do this time?" She asked.

"She said I was forcing her to do something with me! Which never happens! Mom she tried raping me once! She fucking drugged me! But of course her father didn't believe that and fired me" Jungkook rubbed his eyes. "And then Veronica tried to make me her personal bodyguard but I left before her father got the chance to force me to stay"

"SHE WHAT!? JUNGKOOK WHY THE HELL HAVENT YOU TOLD ME ANY OF THIS!!" His mother yelled making him flinch. He may be strong and big but he's still scared of his mother.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't want to lose my job at the moment" Jungkook fiddle with his fingers. His mother knew she shouldn't have raised her voice like that but she couldn't help it. It was her only child who she loved and cared about.

She crawled towards his son and backed hug him. "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to raise my voice like that. I'm just pissed that she thought she had the right to touch my baby"

His mother's soothing words calmed him down a little bit. They stayed silent for a couple seconds just hearing each other's breathing.

"I'm going to look online to see if anyone needs a new bodyguard," Jungkook said, standing up and grabbing his bag. "Already? Aren't you tired?" His mother asked.

Jungkook shook his head "I'm never tired of this job, in fact I love it, everyday it's something new"

"If that makes you happy then go ahead but shouldn't you take a break?" His mother suggested. Jungkook shook his head again. "The faster I find someone to hire me, the faster I get money," He exclaimed.

"That's my boy! We need that money money"

"Mom, are you using me for my money?" Jungkook looked at her suspiciously. "Of course not! I make enough money to spoil myself"

"I spoil you"

"Uhh no you don't"

"Yes I do!"

"Name one thing you've bought me" his mother raised her eyebrows up.

"... food?"

"Which I'm very grateful for but I also buy you food" his mother laid back down and grabbed her phone. Jungkook left her room and made it towards his. He grabbed his laptop from the bag and started to look online immediately.

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